Ï Public exhibitions held in the largest exhibition halls of the capital timed to the Day of Knowledge and Youth

Public exhibitions held in the largest exhibition halls of the capital timed to the Day of Knowledge and Youth

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The thematic exhibition is devoted to the history of education and the sphere of innovative educational reform, has opened at the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan.

The opening ceremony was attended by the experts of the Academy of Sciences, National Institute of Education, professors and teachers of higher educational institutions -Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communication, Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after D. Azadi, State Medical University of Turkmenistan and others.

The first visitors of the educational vernissage have become those whom expositions are devoted - schoolchildren, students of higher and secondary special educational institutions.

The leitmotif of the exhibition has become a quoted of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: "My main goal for you is to make available the education system that meets the highest standards."

On the thematic stands are presented samples of new textbooks, designed for different age audiences, published in the framework of the implementation of innovative education reform. To feel the atmosphere to do scientific research help laboratory equipment and exhibits, which are used in the educational process at the practical sessions on natural subjects.

It was particularly impressive chronicle which was made up of black and white and color images depicted stories and events of the development of the national education system in 25 years of independence of our country. Each visitor of the thematic exhibition of the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan can take a learning excursion into the history, and discover trends in scientific and educational spheres. The exposition will be rolled out during the first week of September.


The large-scale reform of the educational sphere is one of the main directions of the progressive development of the Turkmen society.

This thesis was the basis for the concept of the exhibition of works of Turkmen artists, opened in the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan.

The painting of A.Redjepov "A happy Generation" (2012), are the children born in Independent Neutral Turkmenistan depicting high hills overview the new buildings in Ashgabat. It is getting opened an impressive panorama, on the blue sky background are located white marble skyscrapers. Landscape of the painting is performed in soft shades of blue, and smiling, happy faces of the children, symbolically resonating with the pathos of change.

The exhibition and the work of the oldest Turkmen artists are presented at the exhibition. A painting of N.Dovodov "The Girl with the book" subtly conveys the sublime state of mind, inspired by something she read.

A collection of women portraits is the dominant exposure. The painting by J. Bekdurdyev "Portrait of Gulimhan" (. 1974) also shows a young girl, she stands firmly holding a book is a symbol of the new opportunities offered to her.The poetry of the image boosts harmonious combination of colors and lightness of paint.

On canvas M. Mamedov “Literacy campaign “(1965). We see young women with a book in her hands, dreamily think about the future.

On the picture of Ya. Bairamov “A part time student” (1971 year) is depicted a young mother with a kid, who is sitting on the traditional Turkmen felt mat in the garden. By catching a moment, the woman is preparing to the exams…

One of the significant works devoted to the national education is painting "The First Teacher" (1974) by Ayhan Hadjiyev. The monumentality of the plot can be seen in the landscape with sandy dunes and the main character, a young teacher purposefully step up towards a new life, holding the bridle of his assistant, a camel laden with books, globes, maps. It is believed that he will pass on his knowledge to hundreds of boys and girls of his native land. Coloring picture is in the golden earth tones. The painter, using subtle nuances of shades, rightfully passed the hot desert state, reinforcing the feeling of unwavering faith of the teachers in the chosen way.

Perhaps memories of his teachers inspired the painter to write the picture.One of the first mentors A.Hadjiyev in understanding the secrets of fine arts was Yulia Pavlovna Daneshvar. It is painted hand portrait of Ayhan Hadjiyev (1940 year) was also presented at the exhibition, symbolizing the artistic and pedagogical continuity of national art.

Symbolic imagery distinguishes works of A.Amangeldiyev "The Beginning" (1988.), D.Bayramov "Gozel, my student" (1989.), M.Daneshvar "Examination", A.Kuliyev "Parthian rhytons" (1995.), O. Hadjiev "Self Portrait" (1979.), A.Kakaesenov "The Girl with a book."