Ï Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once

Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once

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Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once
Two personal exhibitions of the Myratalyyev artists - father and son at once

An extraordinary event took place at the Capital Exhibition Center of Fine Arts: two personal exhibitions were launched at once. The first floor of the center is occupied by the landscapes of Yagmyr Myratalyyev, the second floor is occupied by the paintings of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Annadurdy Myratalyyev.

Annadurdy Myratalyyevich celebrates his 70th birthday by meeting with fans of his talent and at the same time decided to introduce them to the work of his son.

Annadurdy Myratalyyev is an unusual artist. They say about him: “He made himself”. After graduating from the Turkmen State Specialized School, he studied for a long time and painstakingly on his own. His universities were the museums of Paris, London, St. Petersburg. He always liked Western European art. And he tried to paint like the surrealist Salvador Dali, the impressionist Edgar Degas, the representative of fauvism Henri Matisse, dreaming of creating his own style based on a number of painting trends. Therefore, 120 paintings presented by him for the exhibition are made in bright rich colors, they are not always clear in content, but interesting in their unusualness.

And yet, in my opinion, the pinnacle of Annadurdy Myratalyyev's work is the simple villagers of our country. The artist has a series of works that makes him deeply national and, for sure, will go down in the history of the culture of the Turkmen people. The incomparable work “Tea drinking with sweets”. I would call it “Tea for Two” or “Me and You”, because the woman and the man depicted on it look at each other with such love that I want to say: “They are drinking tea, and let the whole world wait!”. The artist's mastery of the amazing transfer of the state of mind of the characters on the canvas is the main plus of Annadurdy Myratalyyev.

No less charming is the painting “A Conversation with a Bird”. The man and the little bird look at each other with adoration, they speak with their eyes, and only they understand their conversation. Perhaps the man says: “You are the best in the world!”, And the bird replies: “No, the best is you!”.

We see the same bird in another picture - a young woman shared something secret with the bird that weighs on her heart. And the bird, having listened attentively, empathizes with the woman with all its appearance.

We can talk about the paintings of Annadurdy Myratalyyev for a very long time, but we have an exposition of paintings by Myratalyyev junior waiting for us. Unlike his father, who paints people, Yagmyr is focused on nature. The landscapes of Yagmyr Myratalyyev are bright, colorful and dramatic. Take, for example, the painting “Sea”. The artist captured the moment when the frequently changing mood of the sea turns from a calm state into a raging one. Usually marine painters convey the water element with a minimum amount of colors. But this is not in the style of Myratalyyev junior. Therefore, “his” sea threw multi-colored stones and shells ashore.

Interesting picture “Here”. The artist depicted two mulberry trees, whose trunks turned white from time to time and began to collapse, but in the spring the sun came out, and the tops of the trees were again covered with leaves, demonstrating to the world the thirst for life.

In one of the paintings, Yagmyr acted as an animal painter, presenting a portrait of a camel named King. The arrogant expression on his face, the sly look of narrowed eyes and the proud posture are quite consistent with his nickname. The technique of this painting is interesting. Yagmyr painted a portrait of a camel with long strokes, which is why the muzzle of the animal acquired a sort of striped color. Among the many visitors to the exhibition, art critic, Honored Art Worker of Turkmenistan Azat Annayev, to whom we asked to comment on what is common in terms of creativity between father and son and what is the difference.

- Annadurdy Myratalyyev and Yagmyr Myratalyyev are two completely different artists: the father is a philosopher, the son is a romantic. For Annadurdy Myratalyyev, a representative of the older generation who grew up on national traditions, the person in the picture is the Universe. For each of his heroes, legends can be composed.

Yagmyr Myratalyyev loves the world around him, but not the bustling urban one, but the rural one. What the artists have in common is that they are both innovators. Yagmyr builds landscapes from the near and far plans, opening up the perspective - he seems to be walking along the path to Nature. To the common between father and son, one can add the fact that both of them are very talented artists.