Ï Resolution of the Mejlis Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan

Resolution of the Mejlis Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan

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On the assignment of an honorary title "Turkmenistanyn at gazanan halyçysy"* to the skilled carpet weaver Berdimuhamedova Ogulgerek 

Due to the policy implemented under the wise leadership of the esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, to restore, preserve, develop, popularize and convey to future generations the cultural heritage, spiritual and cultural values, traditions of our people, Turkmen culture and art are glorified at the world level. National handicrafts, carpets, felt mats, elegant embroideries, originating from ancient times, passing from generations to generations, have gained immense popularity all over the world as works of art.

At present, a lot of work is being carried out to carefully preserve and promote ancient samples of Turkmen carpets throughout the world. The wonderful books of our native Arkadag “Living Legend” and “Heavenly Beauty”, dedicated to the national art of carpet weaving, elevating the glory of handmade carpets throughout the planet, serve as a source of inspiration for carpet weavers.

Turkmen carpets have been repeatedly shown at international exhibitions and have become an adornment of famous museums in the world. Beautiful carpet gels adorn our State Flag and State Emblem. The "Altyn asyr" carpet is recognized as the largest man-made cloth in the world and is included in the Guinness Book of Records. 

As a result of the great efforts of our esteemed Arkadag, the national carpet weaving was included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. At present, work continues on the submission to include other types of nominations for the material and spiritual values of the Turkmen people.

In the Epoch of Revival of the new era of powerful state, a high tribute is paid to the craftswomen who create elegant handmade carpets of our people, which have become famous throughout the world. Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova is one of the skilled carpet weavers who made a worthy contribution to the development, improvement, communication of the Turkmen art of carpet weaving to future generations, promotion throughout the world of the glorious development of our sacred Motherland through carpet goels created by skillful hands. For many years, she worked flawlessly at the carpet factory in the city of Gökdepe, Akhal velayat, applying her rich experience in using the unique technologies of the art of carpet weaving, showed skill in making carpets with classic goels and carpet portraits, won great prestige as a skilled carpet weaver, making her skill and diligence an example for the youth.

Taking into account the merits in strengthening the independence and sovereignty of Turkmenistan, the development of the national art of carpet weaving, decorating carpets with magnificent patterns and many years of hard and conscientious work, professional skills, as well as the presentation of the State Association “Türkmenhaly”, in honor of the holiday of the Turkmen carpet, the Mejlis Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan decides to:

Award the skillful carpet weaver Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova with the honorary title of “Türkmenistanyn at gazanan halyçysy”.

Chairman of the Mejlis 
Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan 
G. Mammedova

Ashgabat May 26, 2022
No. 485-VI.