Ï Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet

Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet

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Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Turkmenistan marked the holiday of the Turkmen carpet
Vyacheslav Sarkisyan

Today, Turkmenistan has widely celebrated the holiday of the Turkmen carpet, to which traditionally a number of solemn events were timed. 

Main solemnities took place in the Turkmen capital, where the XXII Conference of the World Association of Connoisseurs of Turkmen Handmade Carpet Weaving “Heavenly Beauty – Turkmen Carpet”, exhibition of the trade complex of Turkmenistan and the awarding ceremony of carpet weavers, who create fine carpets–works of art, were held.

The events in honour of the Turkmen carpet provided an excellent opportunity for popularization of the national value, familiarization of the wide pubic with achievements of our country as well as establishment of cooperation with potential foreign partners.

Members of the Government, heads and representatives of the Milli Gengesh, diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited to our country, sectoral departments and enterprises, public organizations and mass media, workers of culture and art and famous carpet weavers took part In the solemn opening of a three-day exhibition held in the expo-centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

A wide range of goods with the trademark “Made in Turkmenistan” were displayed on the margins of the annual exhibition organized jointly by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry of Textile,  “Türkmenhaly” State Corporation, State Raw Commodity and Materials Exchange, Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

The exhibition will also familiarize visitors with achievements of entrepreneurs in the field of development of trade and services. The expositions of capital shopping centres can serve the best example for it.

On the sidelines of the exhibition, one of the large enterprises of the private sector Abadan Haly Open Joint Stock Company that seamlessly combines ancient traditions and innovative technologies in production of carpets displayed its modern carpet products.

Clothes factors and capital fashion houses offer women unique national dresses in the exhibition.

Wide cultural, trade and economic relations with foreign partners play an important role in the development of national carpet marking and popularization of unique advantages of handmade carpets. With a view of careful preservation of spiritual values, which pass from generation to generation for centuries, a large-scale work is carried out in the new historical epoch for further development of the ingenious national handcraft, which is an inseparable part of world cultural heritage.

The activity of the World Association of Connoisseurs of Turkmen Handmade Carpet Weaving, XXII Conference of which under the title “Heavenly Beauty – Turkmen Carpet“ took place in the conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is aimed at it.

In the course of the conference of the international organization, which brings together representatives of scientific and business circles, art and antiques collector, amateurs and enthusiasts from all over the world, papers of history, today and future of development of Turkmen carpet making art and other topics were delivered.

Foreign participants of the conference, heads and leading specialists of large museums of the world, scientists, art critics and businesspersons-connoisseurs of this art spoke online.

Speakers touched upon topical issues of study of history of development of handmade carpet making in different countries, interaction and enrichment of traditions of decorative and applied handcrafts of world peoples.

As was noted, handmade works of Turkmen weavers, both in the olden days and today, served and serve as an article of general admiration. The great Silk Road, which once passed through the Turkmen land and left an unfading trace in world history, played a great role in promotion of fine carpets, which were compared to works of art. At present, this old route revives by finding its reflection in the development of multilateral trade and economic relations between countries and regions and the art of carpet making, which seamlessly combines rich traditions of national heritage and innovative technologies, is enriched with new ideas.

Underlining a special place of Turkmen national art of carpet making in the treasury of universal values, speakers marked that the decision adopted at the 14th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on December 12, 2019 to include Turkmen national carpet art to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Human Heritage List testified to it. There is no doubt that recognition of traditions of Turkmen carpet making art by UNEWSCO experts as part of great cultural heritage of the entire world, will facilitate further promotion of this national brand overseas and its scale of popularization.

The significance of “Türkmenhaly” State Corporation, which is the main supplier of famous Turkmen pure woollen handmade carpets to the world market, was also mentioned.

Speeches of participants of the forum displayed results of research works on the history of origin and features of old carpet ornaments and development of carpet making art in different countries.

Participants of the conference underlined a great personal contribution of Hero Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to popularization of ingenious traditions of old national art. As was pointed out, wonderful books by Arkadag “Living Legend” and “Heavenly beauty” devoted to the national art of carpet making, raising the glory of handmade carpets all over the planet, serve carpet weavers as a source of inspiration. Thanks to their translation into different languages, these wonderful works of the eternal beauty of handmade carpets permeated with great love and respect for thousands of years old culture of the native people, the entire world has again discovered the art of Turkmen carpet making for itself.

Upon completion of the XXII Conference of the World Association of Connoisseurs of Turkmen Handmade Carpet Weaving “Heavenly Beauty – Turkmen Carpet, its participants adopted the Message to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in which they expressed their gratitude for his efficient work in development and augmentation of glorious traditions of the national art of carpet making and favourable conditions created for expansion of international cooperation in this sphere.

An annual festive event in honour of masters of this craft, respect for their honest work, including high awards and titles given to them speak of the care of the government to improve the famous art of carpet making and popularize it in the world. 

And today, at the instruction of the head of the state, the ceremony of awarding of carpet weavers of the country took place in the National Museum of the Turkmen Carpet, a treasury of unique exhibits, in the exhibition halls of which one can see the richest collection of the oldest museum rarities and modern carpet works made by high creative expressiveness, combination of colours and fineness. 

The museum exposition includes unique giant carpets. One of them is the carpet “Altyn asyr” with an area of 301 square meters and a weight of 1, 2 tons, which has been included in the Guinness’s Records Books as the largest handmade carpet in the world. Besides it, Turkmen weavers in honour of the 20th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan made the largest carpet in the entire history of carpet making, with an area of 378 square meters.

The awarding ceremony of the best carpet weavers of the sector, who by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan were given the honorary title “Honoured carpet weaver of Turkmenistan” for their great service in development of the national art of carpet making of the independent neutral fatherland, worldwide popularization of unique fine Turkmen carpets, which have become a national pride as well as creation of fine carpet products and taking into account honest and selfless work for many years as well as in honour of the holiday of the Turkmen carpet, took place.

According to the Resolution, Ogulgerek Berdimuhamedova is one of the skilled carpet weavers, who made a worthy contribution to the development, perfection and preservation of Turkmen carpet making art for future generations of Turkmen people, glorification of development of our sacred fatherland through carpet designs created by skilled hands. For many years she worked selflessly at the carpet factory of Gokdepe city of Akhal region using her rich experience in application of unique techniques of carpet making art and displayed her mastery in making carpets with classic patterns and carpet portraits, won a great authority as a skilled carpet weaver and served as a great example for the youth by her great skill and diligence.

In the course of the solemn ceremony, a special place of the national carpet making art in preservation of the national historical and cultural heritage, succession of traditions of Turkmen people, education of the growing generation was underlined. 

Skilled carpet weavers expressed their deep gratitude to head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov for his special attention to the development of carpet making sector, creation of all conditions for work as well as education of gifted worthy weavers who are given secrets of old but ever-young art. 

The concert of workers of art organized by “Türkmenhaly” State Corporation and Ministry of Culture in “Ashgabat” song and music centre of the capital became a festive gift for workers of the sector as well as numerous residents of Ashgabat and its guests. 

It should be noted that the white marble-coated capital of our fatherland does not serve as a major venue for main solemnities devoted to the Turkmen carpet without reason. Ashgabat harmoniously combines in its appearance modern architectural styles and traditions of national architecture. The most important features of its decorative ornamentation are famous carpet designs.

So, Guinness’s Records Book was supplemented in September 2016 by the International airport of Ashgabat for its architectural uniqueness and display of ornaments –carpet designs on the surface of the main passenger terminal, which got the name “The most largest gol” (705 square meters).

Wonderful melodies and songs sounded in the night sky of the capital and bright choreographic compositions became a wonderful gift for our national value, the Turkmen carpet.

Meetings, exhibitions, scientific conferences, art contests and other events were organized in honour of the holiday of the Turkmen carpet all over the country.