Ï Video meeting with foreign partners

Video meeting with foreign partners

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Video meeting with foreign partners

Today, the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan hosted a meeting of Turkmen and French specialists via video link dedicated to the organization of an exhibition of museum values of Turkmenistan at the Louvre Museum (France), during which specialists from the National Directorate for the Protection, Study and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments, as well as leading museums capitals discussed with the researchers of the Department of Oriental Antiquities of the Louvre Museum the main issues of the upcoming exhibition.

In particular, the concept of this project developed by the Turkmen side and the stages of its implementation were considered, the prospects for the exhibition, its name, the number of exhibits, etc. were discussed.

As noted, the Louvre in Paris will display artifacts found during the excavations of the settlements of Ulug-Depe, a unique monument where the Turkmen-French archaeological group has been successfully working for more than 20 years.

During the meeting, the great attention paid by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the study and preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, the continuity of traditions, as well as spiritual and moral values was emphasized.

It is noteworthy that among the participants of this event is Dr. Julio Bendezu-Sarmiento, archaeologist and bioanthropologist, one of the leaders of the Turkmen-French archaeological expedition, author of research on the discoveries in Ulug-Depe.

Agnes Benois, a specialist in cultural values, an employee of the Department of Antiquity of the Louvre, who participated in the International Scientific Conference on Archeology in Ashgabat, noted that holding such an exhibition would be the first step in enhancing business relations between the museums of our countries. The museum management has already prepared the necessary package of documents, the French specialist said.

Currently, more than 1,400 historical and cultural objects are registered in Turkmenistan, most of which are archeological monuments.

Thanks to the progressive policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan is actively strengthening its image of a stable, peaceful and dynamically developing state, and the richest historical and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people is becoming the brand with which our country opens up to the whole world.

A vivid evidence of this is the planned exhibition in the Louvre in Paris, one of the most prestigious museums in the world, which is designed to give a powerful impetus to the further development of Turkmen-French cultural, humanitarian and interstate ties.