Ï Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen

Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen

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Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Festival of a book translated from English into Turkmen
Alexey Gimalitdinov

In honor of the 30th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and the United States of America, a Book Festival was held in the cozy and spacious reading room of the State Library of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan, organized by the Embassy of the United States of America in Turkmenistan with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and with the assistance of the library. On this day, the signs “Turkmen-American book festival” and “Turkmen-amerikan kitap festiwaly” could be seen everywhere here. Each participant was given a lottery ticket at the entrance - this intellectual, cultural and educational festival began with such a pleasant fact. In addition to library regulars, pupils of the American summer school in Ashgabat and their parents, as well as quite a few young people who came through an advertisement on the Internet, took part in it. The guests of the festival were cordially welcomed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States to Turkmenistan Matthew Klimow, who in his welcoming speech introduced the emblem prepared for this event to those present. From the elements of the Turkmen carpet, the number “30” was folded, and around the circle - the slogan in Russian, Turkmen and English: “Together stronger”. At the same time, the emblem is made in the colors of the State banners of Turkmenistan and the United States. Mr. Matthew Klimow noted that one of the fundamental vectors for the development of friendly bilateral relations between our countries is culture. And here the book is of particular importance. The staff of the Embassy translated more than a dozen books by American writers into Turkmen. For the most part, this is children's literature, which is loved not only by American children, but also by children in many countries of the world. Among them is Mark Twain's world-famous novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. And then Mr. Matthew Klimow paid attention to the smallest participants of the festival, who were brought here by their mothers. Mr. Matthew Klimow seated the little ones on the rug and began to read Alvin Brooks White's fascinating tale “Charlotte's Web”.

Meanwhile, the older participants of the festival got acquainted with the literary works laid out on the tables of the reading room.

Each participant was allowed to take with them one book from all tables.

-We are very pleased to hold the Book Festival as part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of bilateral friendly relations between our countries, -says Nigel Robinson, director of the Department of Culture and Education at the US Embassy, in an interview with our newspaper. – We hope that this festival will start the tradition of similar festivals in the future.

Our action aims to spread the English language, which is a method of contact in the dialogue between the cultures of our two countries. The festival ended with a lottery drawing, in which some participants were lucky enough to win a prize. It is not difficult to guess what was in the large packages with the emblem “30 years of diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and the United States”. Of course, books!