Ï The Grand Viennese Ball, added bright colours to rich palette of cultural life of the capital, was held in Ashgabat

The Grand Viennese Ball, added bright colours to rich palette of cultural life of the capital, was held in Ashgabat

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Joint art event, which became traditional, is conducted by the initiative and under patronage of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who pays special attention to development of cultural dialog.

The name of new book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “The music of peace, the music of friendship and brotherhood” can be original epigraph of this international event, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of our country.

The III Grand Viennese Ball, organized by the Ministry of Culture if Turkmenistan and Turkmen –Austrian society, highlights the significance if humanitarian aspect of foreign policy of independent neutral Turkmenistan. As is known, its main component is a cooperation with the European Union countries and consolidation of fruitful and multi-aspect Turkmen – Austrian dialog.

It is remarkable that the first Gran Viennese Ball was held during the 20th anniversary of the independence of our state. And again this bright celebration of friendship and creative communication is timed to the determining remarkable anniversary date for our country and for every Turkmenistan citizen.

According to the tradition, the Grand Viennese Ball is held at the square of the State Cultural Centre in surrounding of three symbolic cultural places – the National Library, Museum and the Palace of Mukams. Unbreakable connection of the past and the present of Turkmen people, succession of spiritual traditions of the nation is especially felt there. According to remarks of the Austrian guests, this is a magnificent place having extraordinary creative aura and highlighting romantic harmony of the Viennese Ball.

Natural decorations emphasise the symbolicalness of the event. Beautiful view of the grand Monument of the Independence and Kopetdag Mountains is opened from there. Setting sunbeams, original lighting of the buildings, silver streams of fountains make special romantic mood.

Atmosphere of solemnity, elegance and refinement, inherent to the classical Viennese Ball, are highlighted by the dresses of the participants – traditional black and white range of men’s tailcoats in combination with tender colours of beautiful ball dress, which design harmonically combines European and national traditions. Light dresses decorated by delicate embroidery are able to compete against attires of trendsetters of the Viennese Balls of any country. The compulsory attributes are a bouquet of flowers in Biedermeier style and small crowns.

The whole space of the square is filled with sounds of charming classical music.

Members of the Government, Chairperson and deputies of Mejlis, representatives of non-governmental organizations, diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited to Turkmenistan, ministries and departments, art intellectuals were invited to the Ball. Delegation from Republic of Austria including the head of Austrian – Turkmen society Neda Berger, creative group of Austrian opera soloists, conductor and dancing pair arrived to Ashgabat for participation in the Grand Viennese Ball. There were also representatives of business circles of friendly country, the heads of large companies among the guests.

Monitors originally built in decoration of oriental palace demonstrated videos of beautiful capitals of two friendly states – Ashgabat and Vienna.

First chords of traditional “Polonaise” performed by the State Symphony orchestra of Turkmenistan sounded heralding the opening of Viennese Ball. The conductor is Wolfgang Harrer, the Art Director of Turkmen – Austrian Orchestra “Galkynysh”.

Tens of dancing couples, representing choreographic bands of the Turkmen capital and all velayats of our country, enter the square in ceremonial dancing procession opening all European Balls. They virtuously perform magnificent air-like dance. After its completion, official ceremony of opening of joint creative action, during which gratitude words were expressed to the Heads of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Austria for the opportunity to hold the III Grand Viennese Ball in Ashgabat, was started. It was mentioned that current event would serve to further development of Turkmen – Austrian dialog, expansion of creative relations of the people of two countries, popularization of their richest cultural heritage After, the floor was given to Dr. Neda Berger, the Chairperson of Austrian - Turkmen Society, who congratulated everybody on this important event and expressed deep gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for support and patronage of the III Grand Viennese Ball, high organizational level of international event, which is summoned to consolidate friendship and mutual understanding of our peoples, promote peace and prosperity on the Earth. Neda Berger conveyed the greetings of the Mayor of Vienna, who permanently supports this cultural event.

She expressed her sincere feelings to our country, having recited her own rhyme “Ashgabat and its Viennese Ball” as is known, the Austrian – Turkmen society actively supports the development of relations between two friendly states in different directions. It realized several joint project in cultural sphere, informational exchange and cooperation. The website of this non-governmental organization, which introduce ancient history and rich original culture of Turkmenistan, its present, economic and tourists potential to Europeans, is one of them.

After completion of the official part, the Ball has started. “Holiday Song” of Chary Nurymov performed by Turkmen vocalists invites the participants to grand waltz.

After, graceful young dancing couples of “Ruhubelent Chagalar” art band perform the dance at the tune of “Mukam” violin orchestra.

The programme of the Ball was composed of popular works of the treasury of national and world music classics including the waltzes of A. Hachaturyan, J. Strauss, D. Shostakovich. Famous works of Ch. Nurymov, R. Rejepov, D. Hydyrov and others were played there. Warm Ashgabat evening was filled with beautiful arias from Franz Lehar operettas, operas of Giuseppe Verdi and Giacomo Puccini.

Head of orchestra Rasul Klychev and his mentor, Austrian conductor Wolfgang Harrer replaced each other at the conductor stand of the State Symphony Orchestra.

The guests if the Viennese Ball were charmed by performance of South African singer Jolena McCleland, the graduate of Vienna conservatoire and member of Austrian “Johann Strauss” ensemble, who visited our country for the first time. Traditional participants of Ashgabat Viennese Balls, tenor Levent Gunduz was awarded by the storm of applauses.

The Viennese Ball includes, first of all, waltzes and polkas of Johann Strauss. Highest performance of them was demonstrated by ballet couple of Paula Rostas, recognized master of ballet dance in European countries, and her famous partner, dancer Jean Bezac.

All musical performance was accompanied by dances of ballet couples representing leading dance ensembles of our country. Dance rhymes seized numerous participants and guests of the Ball in its sensational vortex.

Integral attribute of the Viennese balls, gala-dinner was represented by national Austrian and Turkmen cuisine. Another indispensable tradition of classical Viennese Ball, the presents, was not forgotten as well. All ladies, participating in the Ball, was gifted with brooch “Sisi” (endearing name of Austrian Empress Elisabeth of Bavaria)

The song “Independent Turkmenistan” performed by the State Symphony Orchestra and the State Choir of Turkmenistan became the finale of remarkable Turkmen – Austrian cultural event.

The Grand Viennese Ball in Ashgabat will be remembered for a long time by its participants, who will look forward to the next meeting with this original and dainty cultural holiday.