Ï Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector

Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector

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Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Babasary Annamuradov: visiting a collector
Alexey Gimalitdinov

For our country, an art collector is a rare phenomenon, one might even say a single one. Therefore, photojournalist Alexei Gimalitdinov and I entered the workshop of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Babasary Annamuradov with some trepidation. In a small courtyard adjacent to the workshop, we were met by statues of heroes from different eras - legendary and historical figures, as well as famous cultural figures of our times. Among them is a bust of the warrior Babasary Annamuradov himself. Here is also the visiting card of Babasara Annamuradovich's creativity - the sculpture "Village Teacher". This is a collective image of an elderly teacher who brought up several generations of villagers. Today, due to his advanced age, he himself needs support, however, as a true intellectual, he is still stately and tidy. Babasara Annamuradovich has several versions of this sculpture, beloved by the audience.

In the workshop, we were greeted as a host by a gold-covered statue of Buddha, who, for creativity, was holding a phone in her hands.

The collection begins with two paintings by Nikolai Chervyakov, about whom, by the way, an article was recently published in our newspaper. Two charming still lifes with ordinary objects - a pot of flowers, curtains on the window ... It seems to be nothing remarkable, but the artist put so much charm into them, and the warmth of his native home blew from the paintings.

- An amazing artist, - comments Babasary Annamuradovich. – Look at his third painting “Waterhole”, only a very sincere person can see the beauty in everyday life and convey it in such a way that the audience agrees with him.

On the first floor, there are mostly works by Babasara. The plaster bust of the poet Kurbannazar Ezizov impresses with fine aristocratic features. The poet's head is, as it were, in the spread of a book, the pages of which are edged with the image of female figures. From the opposite shelf, a bust of another poet, Karadzhaoghlan, also with a very beautiful face, looks at him.

And in the most conspicuous place - the collectors of the collection, depicted in the painting by Nikolai Ershov: young enthusiasts Abad and Babasary, inspiredly walking through the expanses of the Motherland.

We climb the spiral staircase to the second floor and find ourselves surrounded by the paintings that live here: Gennady Babikov “Bread”, Annadurdy Murataliev “Grandson and Grandfather”, Durdy Bayramov “Still Life”, Yulia Daneshvar “Portrait of Muzafar Daneshvar”, several paintings by Robert Shabunts, three works by Vladimir Pavlotsky, Stanislav Babikov "Cotton Growers", Tokar Togurov "Abad", Annadurdy Almamedov "Poppies", Evgeny Adamov "Flowers", paintings by the Mary artist Chara Hummedov ...

- Babasary Annamuradovich, how many paintings and sculptures are in your collection?

- Approximately 600. This is the memory of our era, starting from the 50s of the last century. At present, new generations of artists write differently, use different techniques, which is quite normal. But the significance and meaningfulness of realism inherent in the masters of works from the collection I have collected, no one has canceled.

- And how did you manage to collect such a number of works?

- I never had a goal to become a collector. It all started with the fact that one day I had to help out an artist friend who urgently needed money. I bought a painting from him. The news of this quickly spread among the artists, and other authors began to offer their work to me.

When there were quite a lot of paintings, a passion for collecting woke up in me. I began to walk around the studios of artists I knew with the desire to acquire something for my collection. Some of the authors donated their works, believing that they would have a good continuation of their fate in the collection.

Gradually, I also involved my wife, art critic Abad Mukhatova, in collecting. Together we traveled around the etraps, got acquainted with local craftsmen: zergyars, carpet weavers, felt tuckers, embroiderers. And again they bought something, gave us something. So we have an additional exposition on folk arts and crafts. While we have not dealt with it closely, when the time comes to it, the number of exhibits in our collection will increase significantly.

- According to films, it is generally accepted that collecting is associated with various detective stories. Did your collection have an art detective?

- Basically it was. One day I exhibited my work "Running on the Waves" at an art exhibition.

- Is this the installation that stands in the courtyard? Three female figures, gleaming with gold in the sun, run with all their might to somehow stand on the waves...

- Yes. Have you noticed that the hand of one woman is different in color from the rest of the hands? So, someone decided that the installation was made of real gold and sawed off part of the hand from it. I restored the hand, but it is different in color. However, many of my friends advise to leave it as it is. In their opinion, this gives the installation a certain charm.

- How do you want to dispose of the collection?

- I want to donate the works of art collected by me and my wife to the state. I see this as my contribution to the Turkmen fine arts. I want to open a mini-museum for the first private collection in our country, where Ashgabat residents and guests of the capital who want to get in touch with the beautiful could come.

- If your dream comes true, I will be one of the first visitors.