Ï As a gift for kids

As a gift for kids

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As a gift for kids

Artists of the State Russian Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin visited the capital's kindergarten No. 72. They brought one of the best children's productions in the theatre's repertoire, the fairy tale-comedy "Superhare", as a gift to the little spectators.

The impromptu scene quickly unfolded right on the street playground of the kindergarten, which was conveniently located by the kids full of expectations. Music began to sound and the story began about how hooligans appeared in one fairy-tale forest - a cunning Fox and a stupid Wolf, who decided to establish their own rules, did not take care and polluted nature. The main character, the smart and resourceful Superhare, was able to resist them. The charming superhero undoubtedly managed to overcome and re-educate hooligans. Care for nature and cleanliness in the forest have become a common cause. There was a happy ending, inherent in any fairy tale. Peace, friendship and order reigned in the forest. Children sincerely rejoiced at this, who rushed to help in cleaning the forest, and then danced and sang along with the heroes of the fairy tale.

Warmly saying goodbye to the enthusiastic children, Superhare, Fox and Wolf went to the neighboring kindergarten No. 71, where their little pupils were already looking forward to them.

The premiere of the fairy tale-comedy directed by Bayram Garadzhaev based on the play by contemporary writer Ivan Chernyshov took place on the stage of Pushkinsky at the beginning of this year. And from the first shows, according to the artists, the performance won the hearts of the children's audience. Therefore, this kind and instructive fairy tale has firmly settled in the theater's tour poster. The leading character, the brave, honest and kind Superhare, continues to win the hearts of children, who, during the performance, with their inherent spontaneity, loudly give advice and tips to support and help the main character, enthusiastically applaud him again and again.

The repertoire of the theater includes about three dozen children's performances, which are met with no less joy by the kids. These are good old fairy tales that have already gained well-deserved popularity among children - Turkmen, Russian folk tales, as well as new, familiar and beloved by children stories of modern authors, writers, cartoonists. Among them: "Little Red Riding Hood", "Gingerbread Man", "Masha and the Bear", "Three Little Pigs", "Bovendzhik", "The Adventures of Hudayberdy", "Cinderella", "Three from Prostokvashino" and others.

The theater tours the capital's kindergartens daily. Artists also regularly visit Children's Health Centers (DOTSs), located in the picturesque town of Gyokdere.

Traditionally, during the summer period, the artists of the National Drama Theater named after Alp Arslan, the Turkmen State Puppet Theater and other theaters in the capital also tour kindergartens, preschool centers. Their arrival for children is always a real holiday. After all, artists bring fairy tales with them - magical stories that teach goodness, justice, honesty and, of course, give children extraordinary joy, a sea of wonderful impressions and unforgettable emotions.