Ï Maintained in good condition

Maintained in good condition

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Maintained in good condition

Work to maintain the mausoleum of Ibn Hajib in proper condition is carried out by specialists from the State Historical and Cultural Reserve “Koneurgench”. This monument, located somewhat distant from the rest of the architectural masterpieces of the ancient settlement, is an architectural complex of the 14th-16th centuries, which folk rumor associates with the name of a prominent scientist, Sheikh Ibn-Hajib. Now here, inside some rooms and in the courtyard, if necessary, plastering of the walls is carried out, including using gancha binder material obtained by roasting stone-like rock containing gypsum and clay, the aqueous solution of which quickly hardens and is easily molded.

The monument of oriental architecture itself is a two-chamber mausoleum with a summer mosque attached to it later and hijra madrasah. Gurhana for and zyyarathana are located inside the mausoleum. Other adjoining buildings of the complex, including a summer mosque with an open courtyard and a hijra madrasah, were added to the mausoleum in later periods. In the gurhana there is a tomb dating back to the 14th century, lined with high-quality tiled slabs and with an inscription in Arabic script. Moreover, it is known for certain that children studied here at the beginning of the twentieth century. And although, according to experts, the mausoleum is basically one of the types of portal-domed tombs, typical for other medieval horezmian cities, many pilgrims and tourists still revere it as one of the early educational institutions.

The northern region of Turkmenistan is famous for its universally recognized masterpieces of oriental architecture. The most significant part of the historical and cultural monuments of the region is located on the territory of the city of Koneurgench, on the site of ancient Gurgench. In 2005 they were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. As in the whole country, here the state carries out consistent work to protect, study, maintain in proper condition the objects of the national historical and cultural heritage, to preserve and increase the cultural heritage.