Ï Exhibition expanded in one of the halls of the Brukenthal National Museum in Romanian Sibiu is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of Turkmenistan

Exhibition expanded in one of the halls of the Brukenthal National Museum in Romanian Sibiu is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of Turkmenistan

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“Turkmenistan Exhibition” is joint initiative of the museum and the Embassy of our country to Romania. Works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, other publishings narrating on history, culture and modern Turkmenistan, handmade carpets, national dresses, musical instruments as well as original items of national decorative and applied arts were exibitied at celebration exposition.

Representatives of local administration and diplomatic missions, mass media, students from Turkmenistan studying in Romania’s universities under interstate agreements took part in opening ceremony of the exhibition, which is summoned to introduce unique cultural and historical heritage of the Turkmen people and achievements of independent epoch to the citizen of friendly country.

The Brukenthal National Museum in Romanian Sibiu is the oldest and one of the most visited in Romania. Its building was erected by Samuel von Brukenthal, the Governor of Grand Duchy of Transylvania. It was opened for public visits in 1817. For many years, museum collections used to be supplemented by donations and sponsors.

Currently, exposition ensemble includes art gallery, library, Historical Museum, Natural History Museum, Museum of Pharmacology and The Museum of Arms and Hunting Trophies of August Von Spiess. The exhibition complex is cultural sightseeing of the country, which is visited by several hundreds of thousands of people per year.

Citizens and guest of Sibiu expressed keen interest to “Turkmenistan Exhibition”, which became the reflection of richest history, unique culture and achievements of our country as well as evidence of successfully developing Turkmen – Romanian interstate dialog.