Ï Concept on cooperation in the field of hazardous waste management to be developed in the CIS

Concept on cooperation in the field of hazardous waste management to be developed in the CIS

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The issue of developing the Concept of Cooperation in the Field of Hazardous Waste Management and the Plan of Priority Actions for its Implementation was considered during the VIII meeting of the Interstate Ecological Council of the CIS member states.

Today, ensuring the safety of the environment is one of the primary global problems facing humanity, which cannot be solved within the framework of the efforts of one state. In this regard, a well-thought-out, balanced policy of all states and their active work in the implementation of environmental protection measures are necessary. The largest investment funds have announced that they are starting to get rid of investments in hazardous industries, and developed countries have already presented ambitious plans to reduce emissions.

Noting the great attention paid to the issues of the climate agenda, ecology and environmental protection in the Commonwealth, the participants emphasized the importance for countries to achieve a sustainable balance between environmental conservation and economic development.

Thus, modernization is necessary, the introduction of new technologies and the technical re-equipment of production corresponded to the legislation in the environmental sphere, stimulated the transition to a «green economy», and contributed to the formation of an ecological culture of citizens.

The participants also exchanged experience in creating conditions and appropriate infrastructures for the introduction of «green technologies», the creation and operation of transboundary specially protected natural areas.

It is expected that the next meeting of the Interstate Ecological Council of the CIS member states will be held in 2023 in Tajikistan.