Ï The President of Turkmenistan noted the crucial importance of the partnership between the countries of Central Asia and the Russian Federation

The President of Turkmenistan noted the crucial importance of the partnership between the countries of Central Asia and the Russian Federation

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The President of Turkmenistan noted the crucial importance of the partnership between the countries of Central Asia and the Russian Federation

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking on Friday at the Central Asia-Russia summit in Astana, said that in modern conditions, interaction between the states of Central Asia and Russia is of decisive importance.

The head of state said: "We have to state with regret that recent trends in world geopolitics are far from being in a positive direction".

According to him, the meaning and content of interstate relations is changing, the geography of conflicts, threats of terrorism, extremism and radicalism is expanding.

The President of Turkmenistan emphasized: "Under these conditions, close, effective interaction between the states of Central Asia and Russia is of decisive importance. Today, well-coordinated political and diplomatic work, well-coordinated cooperation through special services, the use of information resources, public institutions to create reliable and long-term protective mechanisms that can provide our peace, tranquility and confidence in the strength of state foundations to countries and citizens".

In his opinion, "at the same time, joint work in international organizations in this area should be stepped up, cohesion and unity should be sought in respect and effective implementation of the universally recognized norms of international law." In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan proposed to focus on the following four areas.

"The first is to counter attempts to destabilize the situation in our states; the second is to provide guarantees of protection against the threats of terrorism, extremism, cyber and biological danger; the third is to combat the artificial introduction of false meanings and moral guidelines into the public consciousness, and the fourth is to prevent potential negative consequences of the general complications of the situation in the world," Serdar Berdimuhamedov said.

In order to intensify joint activities in the above areas, the head of Turkmenistan proposed "to optimize the mode of six-party consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs." In his opinion, the same applies to the activities of special services and other structures.

The President of Turkmenistan declared: "We propose to instruct the ministers and heads of departments to develop algorithms and topics for consultations based on the above tasks".