Ï The manuscript of the Head of State with the words of the song, first voiced at a concert marking the 25th anniversary of Independence is given to the State Museum

The manuscript of the Head of State with the words of the song, first voiced at a concert marking the 25th anniversary of Independence is given to the State Museum

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On the eve of the 25th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan it is held the State concert in the city center stage of «Mejlislermerkezi» congress where songs are being sung, the author of the words and music of which is the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Having included the works of the leader of the nation into the program of celebrations the audience was inspired with great enthusiasm by picking up the catchy line of these songs.

Indeed, the talent of the head of state is versatile. In his busy schedule, filled with the major public affairs and concerns, the leader of the nation always tries to devote his spare time to creative writing and scientific work with the strive of a true researcher studying the numerous historical sources, archives and other information, as well as sports and a variety of art forms including writing the music and songs.

The works executed in the State concert in honor of the anniversary of independence-not the first, which became known to the general public. Prior to this, a huge success and popularity was a song «Akgüllerim saňa» (« white flowers are for you"), written by our President, and first time showed in the author's performance in 2011.

A significant work of the head of the state is the patriotic song, the song which is the manifesto and the call "Forward! Just ahead, dear Motherland - Turkmenistan", performed in the administrative center of Mary region during the opening of the concert complex- «Türkmeniň aköýi». More than four thousand people sang it in one breath, that not only was the apotheosis of the grand celebratory action, but also was recorded as a world record, entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

Now, the manuscript with the words of new songs sounded in the concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence was officially handed over in order to store it in the exhibition of the National Museum of the National Cultural Centre.

The event was attended by figures of culture and arts craftsmen, writers and journalists, singers and musicians, teachers and students of specialized universities. The participants performed a new song of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, at the moment of premiere it is immediately obtained many fans.

As stressed by the speakers, thanks to the special attention and support of the leader of the nation, today the Turkmen culture received a powerful impetus for the new growth and true prosperity. Public policy in this area is aimed at the full spiritual and cultural development of our society; respect for the heritage of their ancestors, the continuity from generation to generation the ancestral traditions of the Turkmen people, the preservation of the native language.

In this context, an important task set for the creative intelligentsia of the country is to disseminate the rich historical and cultural heritage of the nation, be not only the successor, but followers of the unique traditions of the people, preserve the identity of Turkmen culture and create new works in the spirit of the time.

Participants of the presentation note a huge role and personal involvement of the leader of the nation in creating the best conditions for a fruitful creative, intellectual work of artists, masters of art of the country, representatives of the press, training for these areas in order to encourage and support young talents.

Participants also take an opportunity to once again explore the remarkable collection to be regularly updated with new artifacts and other exhibits.

For instance, one of the most actively updated expositions is the Museum of the President as part of the complex of the State Cultural Centre. It reflects the recent history of independent neutral Turkmenistan. According to the exhibits of the museum, you can get a visual representation of the progressive conversion process, targeted measures for the modernization of the economic complex of the country, improvement of the legal and social sphere, including the reform of science and education, culture and arts, sports and tourism, the preservation and continuation of the Turkmen people's traditions.

Special showcase which is demonstrating the attributes of the inauguration of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - white felt mat, sachak made of camel wool and a quiver with arrows, symbolizing since the ancient times for Turkmens blessing for good luck, well-being and prosperity, unity and solidarity.

The museum visitors express particular interest to the biography of the leader of the nation. Not everywhere in the world you can get a detailed information about the head of state, accompanied by archival photographs, documents, originals of diplomas and scientific research, master's and doctoral theses of the Scientist Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Separate sections of the exhibition are devoted to the subject of international cooperation and the key areas of foreign policy of the country. It features original articles of arts and crafts, carpet fabric, books, a variety of souvenirs -product of art given as gifts by the leaders and representatives of business circles of foreign countries as a sign of sincere respect to the leader of the nation and Independent Neutral Turkmenistan.