Ï International scientific conference focused on the influence of the Georogly Epos on the development of literature of the countries of the East

International scientific conference focused on the influence of the Georogly Epos on the development of literature of the countries of the East

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The International scientific conference on the Role of the Georogly Epos in the World Culture took place in Ashgabat. The forum initiated by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was organized by the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan.

The forum brought together foreign scientists – heads of large centres of culture, historians, Eastern scholars, art and literary critics, linguists as well as specialists of libraries and museums from 15 countries worldwide.

The conference opening ceremony took place in the Palace of Mukams of the State Centre of Culture. Government officials, heads and representatives of the Academy of Sciences, mass media, public organisations as well as workers of culture and students attended the ceremony.

Speaking during the plenary session, the forum participants – representatives of UNESCO and scientific circles of Belgium, japan and other countries underlined the importance of the international conference in the multifaceted study of the outstanding monument of literature.

Exchanging their views, the forum participants discussed such issues as the interinfluence of cultures, study of national traditions, folklore and preservation of intangible spiritual heritage. In this regard, it was emphasized the fruitful character of the established cooperation with the specialized institutions of the UN for education, science and culture.

The forum participants focused on the historical and literary image of Georogly and discussed the influence of the epos on the development of the literature of the countries of the East. The viability of the epos proves its tremendous artistic and aesthetic significance.

The influence on the development of the national and world cultures aroused keen interest in this priceless literary work among Turkmen and foreign scientists. The high worldview values of the epos that later sounded in different languages made this literary work very popular in the modern epoch.

The representatives of scientific circles of foreign countries noted that in spite of the fact that Turkic people lived in different regions, they were united by the common ethnic, spiritual and historical traditions and their cooperation contributed to enriching the cultures.

Three conference sessions taken place in the afternoon focused on the important issues of studying the sources of the Turkmen epos. A number of the reports were dedicated to the analysis of the nature and history of the plots, the originality of the folk and epic monument, the ideological content of its images and poetic style. The emphasis was also placed on the study of the literary monuments of Turkmenistan of the Middle Ages and their translation into different languages.

In their reports scientists underlined that the Georogly Epos, which stands as a vivid expression of the Turkmen people’s high moral and aesthetic views, the evidence of the extraordinary intensity of its epic work, was one of the most important monuments of the world spiritual and intellectual process. The comprehensive analysis of the epos is related to the necessity to study the cultural heritage with the aim to preserve it and convey to future the generations.

The value of the Georogly Epos, which has significantly influenced on the development of the artistic ideas of the peoples of the East, runs beyond the scope of both historical and national boundaries. Therefore, the research undertaken in this area can serve as a key to understand the epic.

The conference participants unanimously called for the necessity to maintain fruitful scientific contacts, promoting the deeper study of the Turkmen people’s historical heritage, the rapprochement of peoples and their cultures in the name of peace, friendship and harmony.

The exhibition of works of decorative arts and paintings by contemporary local artists was arranged in the spacious foyer of the Palace of Mukams.

Turkmen bagshi and foreign performers of the Georogly Epos will perform a joint concert of friendship upon completion of the international scientific forum.