Today, with participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov a start was given to the autumn tree planting campaign within the framework of realizations of the national forest program.
According to the Resolution of the head of the state, in 2022, 3 million saplings of deciduous, coniferous and fruit trees and grape, including 1, 5 million by ministries and sectoral departments as well as the capital khyakimlik should be planted. In the spring of the current year, the part of greet “inhabitants” were settled in the woodland parks of the country.
Thus, the present action of tree planting is called to decorate all corners of the transforming Turkmen land with a green emerald “attire”. Woodland park zones created here are an important factor of ecological safety of the fatherland and wellbeing and health of the nation.
…in the morning, numerous participants of the tree planting action gathered in the vicinities of the cultural park complex of Magtymguly Fragi at the piedmont of the Kopetdag. The picturesque place, where man-made woodland areas emerge now will look more like a fragrant garden.
The presidential car arrives at the venue, where the nationwide autumn tree planting campaign should take a start. Members of the Government, Chairperson of the Mejlis and Deputy-Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, heads of military and law enforcement bodies, ministries and departments, capital administration as well as representatives of mass media, pubic organizations, numerous residents of the capital welcome the head of Turkmenistan. Among participants of the ecological action are heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited to our country.
There were organized the performance of workers of culture and art glorifying grandiose work and undertakings carried out under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the beauty of the Turkmen land. Stirring melodies and songs added much bright festive colour to the event.
Having warmly greeted the gathered, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov passes to the plot prepared for tree planting.
A representative of the younger generation approaches the head of the state. The boy with his clear voice greets President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wishing him sound health and great successes in his multifaceted activities. At his request, the head of the state gives a start to the tree planting campaign and plants the first tree.
Following the President of Turkmenistan, all participants of the tree planting action, which with every passing year assumes more and more importance in the life of the country, involving foreign participants, planted young saplings in neighbouring land plots. Indeed, the topic of care of tomorrow of the planet is universal for all. How the next generations will live namely depends on this.
With a view of ensuring the ecological safety at national and global levels, efficient measures are taken for the realization of the national forest program, which is called to transform the fatherland into a green garden.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov clearly outlined the water diplomacy and ecology as prior areas of the foreign policy of Turkmenistan based on principles of peace-loving, positive neutrality and constructive international cooperation. The priority of water diplomacy strategy of the head of the state is solution of water economy issues on a complex basis and taking into account interests of all countries of Central Asia.
It should be noted that an important tool of implementation of international plans in the water sphere for Central Asia is the Resolution of the UN General Assembly “Cooperation between the United Nations and the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea“ developed by Turkmenistan and adopted with co-authorship of 19 countries.
Acting in large forums, including in session of the UN General Assembly, Summits of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, heads of Caspian states and CIS, Turkmenistan has set forward a number of topical initiatives aimed at joining international efforts in achievement of sustainable development goals adopted by all member countries of the UN.
Among them is the proposal on opening the Regional centre for technologies in Ashgabat connected with climate change in Central Asia, for activity of which, the Turkmen side is ready to provide the necessary infrastructure as well as development of the UN special program for saving the Aral and water strategy of the UN.
Having set forward the given initiatives, our fatherland proceeds from the fact that use of trans-boundary water resources in Central Asia should be carried out on the basis of generally accepted standards of international law, mutual respect and taking into account interests of all countries of the region.
Water diplomacy, which has been outlined as priority areas of foreign policy of many countries, including that of Turkmenistan and is considered as the political and diplomatic form of multilateral interaction, opens opportunities for a regular dialogue on problems connected with formation and reconstruction of water resources, their rational and reasonable use.
Having enjoyed the mountain landscape, the head of the state watched the course of mass tree planting campaign developed in the plot between the monumental sculpture of Magtymguly Fragi and a giant TV tower on the highland, which has been included in the Guinness’s Records Books thanks to its original architecture.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet A.Yazmyradov, who supervises the agro-industrial complex, to keep the course of the autumn tree planting action, which should be carried out taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of every region, under a control.
As the head of the state underlined, today, the authority of Turkmenistan grows regularly and the world community recognizes and supports the initiatives set forward by us. In the light of topical ecological problems, one should take measures for steady promotion of the state strategy in this sphere.
For 2024 our country plans jubilee events in honour of the greatest poet of the East Magtymguly Fragi, therefore, one should take a responsible and considered approach to organization of upcoming international events, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said.
From the foot of the mountains a wonderful panorama of “the pear of Asia –white marble coated Ashgabat”, which today develops harmoniously, opens. Thanks to the active support of the head of the state, purposeful measures are taken for successful implementation of dynamic city planning program taking into account the ecological aspect.
Thousands of new saplings decorated the suburbs of the capital. The scope of this work amazes one’s imagination, indeed, forest plantations emerge there where there were bare mountain slopes and loose dunes of desert until now.
On this autumn day, the entire country came out to plant trees to add their contribution to turning our county into a green land. In addition to tree planting, in the course of the present action, people also took care of existing trees, which grow and get strong with every passing year.
The nationwide tree planting actions have become a noble tradition. Such events unite people who try to become a part of common significant work.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov having expressed his gratitude to all, who took part in the afforestation action, left the place.