Ï AST Technology Center was awarded an international certificate

AST Technology Center was awarded an international certificate

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AST Technology Center was awarded an international certificate

The Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan received a membership certificate from the International Association of Science Parks and Innovation Zones (IASP). The headquarters of the organization, established in 1984, is located in Malaga (Spain), and the regional offices are in Beijing (PRC).

Jeren Sylapova, Head of the Laboratory of Technologies for the Synthesis of New Substances of the Center for Technology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, tells about the opportunities that the acquisition of a certificate gives to the staff of the Center:

- Turkmenistan pursues a foreign policy based on bilateral mutually beneficial relations with all countries of the world, and, being a member of more than 40 international organizations, actively participates in their work. Programs for the development of the environment, agriculture, industry, healthcare, education, culture and other areas are being jointly implemented.

Currently, there are a number of international organizations whose main task is to ensure effective cooperation between world scientific and technological innovation centers and technology parks in the exchange of experience and technology transfer. One of the most famous of them is the International Association of Science Parks and Innovation Zones (IASP).

The main objective of the International Association of Science Parks and Innovation Spaces (IASP) is to bring together science park professionals and provide access to services. The membership of the Technology Center in the International Association will allow scientists to contact experts from 350 of the world's leading technology and scientific centers, national associations that are members of this association, to promote innovation, transfer knowledge and improve the efficiency of technology parks.

The activity of the association contributes to the development and efficiency of technology parks, helps to strengthen the competitiveness of 115 thousand resident companies involved in the production and scientific development of new technologies, biotechnology, agriculture and new audiovisual programs.

The participation of the Technology Center from Ashgabat in the International Association of Science Parks and Innovation Zones, in turn, will provide great opportunities for the work of the country's first Technology Transfer Center, which was established at the Technology Center on January 1, 2022, the main task of which is to support innovation and create favorable conditions for the disclosure of the results of scientific research and development, the implementation of technology transfer.

AST's membership in the International Association of Science Parks and Innovation Zones will provide great opportunities to improve the efficiency of the Technology Center at the global level.