Ï Turkmenistan gets ready for the complete population and housing census

Turkmenistan gets ready for the complete population and housing census

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Turkmenistan gets ready for the complete population and housing census

As known, from 17 to 27 December of the current year, Turkmenistan will hold the complete population and housing census. At present, preparation for this important event, which will be held under the slogan “The population census 2022: Solidarity, Happiness, Bright future” continues. The emblem of the action has become the Turkmen yurt, a symbol of adherence of our people to its unique traditions and rich historical and cultural heritage.

The main goal of the census is to get a comprehensive information of the number, demographic structure and social conditions of population of the country, which is necessary for successful implementation of the large-scale strategy of state and social development in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State initiated by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Data obtained as a result of the given action will be taken into account in development of forecasts, long-term projects and programs for all branches of economy and social sphere that has a great significance for further prosperity of the fatherland and steady increase in wellbeing of its people.

It should be noted that one of the peculiarities of the large-scale event would become application of digital technologies in its preparation and conduction. At all phases of the census, collection, processing and systematization of data modern equipment, provided with profile program software will be used. The campaign will be held by the method of public inquiry and filling of electron census papers. Thus, the digital format will enable to get more exact indicators as well as facilitate timely and full publication of preliminary and final results of the census.

An inseparable condition of the upcoming action is recruitment and training of all categories of the census personnel, which will be involved in it. So, the State Statistics Committee organized a training seminar for workers of regional branches of the Statistics Committee. During the forum, which was held with participation of foreign experts, issues connected with organization and methodology of the census as well as census papers by thematic blocks such as characteristics of structure of used houses, registration of households and others. Every member of the household will use digital equipment (tablet). Special attention will be given to filling of the individual census paper. The tasks of specialists, which took part in the seminar, also include further training of census personnel in all parts of Turkmenistan.

In organization of such actions such aspect as proper awareness of population is also snort least important. In particular, subscribers of TM CELL cellular company were sent SMS with information of the terms of census and its significance. The state statistics committee calls Turkmen nationals to take an active part in the campaign within the framework of preparation for which a large-scale work is carried out in the country.

Census plays a key role in all elements of the national statistics system, including its social and economic indicators. By the word, the history of census takes its beginning form time immemorial. The modern notion of this term was preceded by periodical registration of population conditioned by various aspects of activity of the state, tasks of heir administration and territorial structure and development. In the past ages formats and methods of census, the process itself have undergone great changes. Today, conduction of such responsible event is the matter of state importance for every country.

In ensuring the high organizational level of the census, today a great role is attached to innovative information communications technologies and best world practice. With these views, Turkmenistan cooperates fruitfully with the United Nations and its specialized agencies including united national population fund (UNFPA), United Nations Statistics Division and other profile institutions.

In this connection, it should be noted that the expert missions of the UN, which visited Ashgabat in April of the current year, gave a high appreciation of preparation in Turkmenistan for the census 2022, underlining adherence of our country to conduction of the campaign in full conformity with international standards.

The United Nations recommends holding such actions at least once in ten years. It is necessary that one should have actual data of the number and characteristics of population that enable to trace changes taking place in the structure of society.

He upcoming census will give Turkmenistan a unique opportunity for collection, analysis, and use of detailed data for national strategic planning , development of scientifically proven political course in accordance with priorities of the Program “Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: the National program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052” and for summing up the reached outcome .

Statistics data also play a significance role in the light of development of mutually beneficial cooperation with interested foreign partners. In particular, these data will enable to provide potential investors with reliable information of main social and economic indicators of the country.

In this regard, one should note that the complete population and housing census of 2022 is also the response of Turkmenistan for the call of the United Nations on conduction of the census in UN member countries that also clearly speaks of readiness of our country for all round international partnership.