Ï The art exhibition arranged in the Exhibition Centre in dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Nurgeldi Beknazarov

The art exhibition arranged in the Exhibition Centre in dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Nurgeldi Beknazarov

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“My pictures – that is who I am”, the painter says, inviting to conceive the author's inner world, a range of emotions, sentiments and aspirations through the prism of the stylistic versatility and multi-layered beauty.

Nurgeldy Beknazarov was born in Kizil-Arvat, a picturesque corner of the Turkmen nature, blossoming with a rich palette of colours of the transforming nature every spring. Hills are covered with emerald carpet and bright red patterns of poppies. In his picture “Landscape”, the artist conveyed the charming poetics of the unique natural corner, which is associated with the memories of a happy childhood and hopes of youth. This painting is a symbol of the love for the Fatherland, the native land and delight harmony of spring transformation.

Nurgeldy Beknazarov received higher art education at the Tashkent Theatre and Art Institute, majoring in the monumental painting. The exhibition presents some of his sketches on monumentalistics and mosaic triptych “Goldfish” as well as the dominant of the jubilee exhibition - paintings, full of meaningful depth and the delicate interwoven ornament of shades.

Nurgeldy Beknazarov is a multi-faceted artist, who works in different genres. Among the portraits of friends and acquaintances, “Portrait of Durdy aga”, written in the realistic genre, attracts visitors the most. Harsh living conditions in the desert left their marks on the face of the hero and his sunbeaten clothes, half covered with sand. At the same time, the mischievous and charming look radiates, balancing the sandy-brown scale of the canvas with the flecks of sunlight.

The artist’s quite often appeal to the compositional genre is a result of his main specialty. The predilection for ornamentalism enriches his paintings with decorative colours and harmoniously textured brushstrokes and colour nuances.

One day, passing along a ploughed field, Nurgeldy Beknazarov saw a ketmen, a jar with water, bread and vegetables – a peasant was preparing to eat. After a while, the author created a still-life painting with blue and yellow lines.

Nurgeldy Beknazarov enjoys painting trees. Green triptych “Three plane trees” leaves a strong feeling of contact with the mystery of life - three many-stemmed trees with beautiful lush crowns on the background of green grass and... green sky. The origins of the author's message, where the reality borders with our ancestors’ magic imaging, are perhaps based on the philosophical perception of a tree as the foundation of the universe and green colour as the symbol of a new life.

More often, the artist turns to the night winter landscape scene depicting the main heroes - moonshiny mysterious trees.

Nurgeldy Beknazarov is entirely different in his work – “The Conversation”. Two elders as if wise men from an Eastern fairy-tale. One of them enthusiastically talks about something, another one listens carefully ... What are they talking about? Perhaps they philosophize about the meaning of life, a mulberry tree - a symbol of endurance and vitality is behind each of them.

Harmonious combination of different styles and artistic techniques in Nurgeldy Beknazarov’s works reflects his versatile inner world and the way of searching. When creating his works, he seeks to convey the nuances of time and the love for the native land. The paintings ‘woven’ by his textured brushstroke accurately convey the depth of his heroes and the picturesque poetics of the East. It does not matter whether the author’s and the viewer's perception of a work is the same. One can agree or disagree with the artist. The main thing is that his paintings do not leave anyone indifferent, inviting to empathy and thinking ...