Ï Adoption of the resolution of Turkmenistan at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly

Adoption of the resolution of Turkmenistan at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly

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Adoption of the resolution of Turkmenistan at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly

On December 6, 2022, the 45th plenary meeting of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly was held. During the meeting, the General Assembly considered the draft resolution "International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace, 2023", submitted by Turkmenistan under agenda item 14 "Culture of Peace". About this reports MFA o Turkmenistan.

Presenting the draft resolution, the Turkmen delegation stressed that the President of Turkmenistan for the first time put forward the global initiative "Dialogue is a guarantee of peace" in December 2021 during the International Conference "Policy of peace and trust - the basis of international security, stability and development".

The delegation of Turkmenistan noted that the draft resolution "International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace, 2023" was prepared after a wide range of consultations between UN member countries, taking into account all constructive opinions and proposals.

The document reflects the fundamental purposes and principles of the UN Charter, above all the obligation to settle disputes by peaceful means and the determination to save future generations from the scourge of war. The draft resolution confirms that inclusive dialogue in its various manifestations plays an important role in strengthening relations and cooperation among member states.

Presenting the draft resolution, the delegation of Turkmenistan paid special attention to the fact that on December 11 this year Turkmenistan will host the International Conference “Dialogue is a Guarantee of Peace”, which will create a platform for a broad exchange of views on the topics covered in the draft resolution and lay the foundation for launching 2023 Global Campaign for Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace. The delegation of Turkmenistan invited all member countries and agencies of the United Nations to take an active part in the upcoming Forum.

After discussions, this resolution was adopted by consensus. The resolution was co-sponsored by 68 member countries of the Organization.