Ï Creative dedication to the neutrality of the Homeland

Creative dedication to the neutrality of the Homeland

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Creative dedication to the neutrality of the Homeland
Creative dedication to the neutrality of the Homeland
Creative dedication to the neutrality of the Homeland
Creative dedication to the neutrality of the Homeland
Creative dedication to the neutrality of the Homeland
Creative dedication to the neutrality of the Homeland

A festive concert dedicated to the International Day of Neutrality and the 27th anniversary of the adoption of the Resolution on Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan by the UN General Assembly was held today at the Mukam Palace of the State Cultural Center.

The granting of the status of permanent neutrality to the sovereign Homeland is one of the landmark historical events that marks the unwavering commitment of our country to the policy of peace, good-neighborliness and broad international cooperation in the name of universal well-being, prosperity and progress. As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov notes, “In the era of the revival of a new epoch of a powerful state, the legal status of permanent neutrality of the Homeland, confidently following the path of reform and progress, gives a powerful impetus to new opportunities in the context of mutual understanding between states and peoples, rapprochement of views and preparation of effective models of cooperation”.

The atmosphere of special solemnity and general enthusiasm reigns under the arches of the Palace of Mukams. In the hall there are members of the Government of the country, heads of Milli Gengesh, diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited to Ashgabat, ambassadors of Turkmenistan to foreign countries, representatives of public organizations and political parties, ministries and departments, scientific institutions, universities and mass media, creative intelligentsia, elders, students.

Among the spectators are numerous foreign guests, including participants of major international forums held on the eve of the holiday in the Turkmen capital. Their participation in the celebrations symbolically underlines the success of the peaceful foreign policy pursued by the independent neutral Turkmen State, the commitment of the present and all future generations of Turkmen to the principles of good neighborliness and international cooperation.

Cultural diplomacy is an integral component of the policy of positive neutrality implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. This holiday, embodying the triumph of peace, friendship and mutual understanding, lofty goals and principles of humanism, unites peoples in the name of a bright future of planet Earth.

It was this idea that was put into the idea of the concert and creatively comprehended in the bright and original numbers included in its program.

The overture of the festive action was the patriotic literary and musical composition “ÝURT ASUDA, TOÝLAR TUTÝAR ARKADAGLY SERDARYM!”, which increased the sense of pride of the Turkmen people for today’s beloved Homeland – state peacemaker and creator striving for new heights of progress under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Symbolically, the concert was continued by the performance of young Turkmen citizens – the future independent neutral Turkmen state. Performed by the violinists of the Mukam collective, a medley of Hungarian, Romanian, Polish and Moldovan musical classics was performed in the room with the iconic name “DOSTLUK SAZLARY”.

The concert program has become a kind of journey across countries and continents. Festive musical greetings were heard from popular vocalists who performed folk and modern songs about love and friendship, the beauty of the surrounding world in Kyrgyz, Tajik, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, German, Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Russian, Hindi, English and French. Bright song and dance compositions, accompanied by video frames of landscapes and sights of the cities of the world, reflected the richest and original traditions of different peoples united by the desire to live in peace and friendship.

The real decoration of the concert was the performance of folk musicians with the number “PARAHATÇYLYK SAZY, DOSTLUK, DOGANLYK SAZY”, in which Iranian, Afghan, Pakistani and Turkmen melodies sounded differing in national flavor, and complementing each other.

The emotional mood of the festive action was given by the dance medley “TANSLAR ÇEMENI”. The united ensemble of folklore collectives in bright national costumes of different peoples performed Belarusian, Georgian, Tatar, Kazakh, Ukrainian, and Armenian dances superbly. And it ended with a colorful choreographic performance of the artists, emphasizing the unifying power of art.

All numbers were distinguished by originality and expressiveness, which was also facilitated by the use of modern technical means in the staging of the concert.

A special intonation was brought to the festive action by the song “DURASY- GELER”, created on the famous poem of the great Turkmen poet-thinker Makhtumkuli Fragi, whose dreams of freedom and independence of the Homeland, the unity of the native people have come true in the current historical era.

The Turkmen maiden melodies “LÄLE”, brilliantly performed by the collective of the State Choir of the country, appeared in a new musical interpretation.

History and modernity are fancifully combined in the ancient kushtdepdi dance, which is an integral part of the national and universal cultural heritage. The artists managed to create a sense of the inseparable connection of epochs and generations, past and present, the enduring significance of the richest spiritual heritage of the Turkmen people.

The final song “BAKY BITARAP SEN, BERKARAR WATAN!” was performed jointly by the soloists and all the participants of the concert as an ode to the independent neutral Homeland, peace, friendship and creation.

Festive events in honor of the International Day of Neutrality and the 27th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s neutral status were held in all cities and villages of the country.