Ï Resolution of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh

Resolution of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh

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On the appointment of elections of deputies of the Mejlis of the seventh convocation, members of the Velayat, Etrap and City Halk Maslahaty of the fifth convocation, members of the Gengesh of the ninth convocation

The main goal of the state policy of the esteemed President Serdar Gurbangulyevich Berdimuhamedov in the era of the Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state and the program tasks facing the country is aimed at ensuring the well-being of our Homeland and people.

In a new historical epoch, comprehensive transformations are being successfully carried out in our country in accordance with the programs “Revival of a new epoch of a powerful state: The National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052” and “The Program of the President of Turkmenistan of socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028”. Large-scale activities are carried out on the basis of innovative technologies for modernization, digitalization and industrialization of the national economy.

Currently, the main task of the representative bodies of state power is the implementation of the state humanitarian policy of the respected President of Turkmenistan Arkadagly Serdar, as well as the improvement of the legislative and legal framework of the deployed socio-economic and democratic transformations in the country.

In order to successfully implement the multi-vector transformations taking place in all spheres of life of a permanently neutral country, and to organize the activities of representative bodies of state power, local self-government bodies in accordance with the requirements of the time, as well as compliance with the norms of the electoral legislation of our country, in accordance with article 81 of the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan decrees:

To appoint elections of deputies of the Mejlis of the seventh convocation, members of the Velayat, Etrap and City Halk Maslahaty of the fifth convocation, members of the Gengesh of the ninth convocation on Sunday, March 26, 2023.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the

Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan


Ashgabat, January 12, 2023.

Translation from the official language of Turkmenistan.