Ï New city - new theatre!

New city - new theatre!

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New city - new theatre!

The theatre is called the temple of art. It is here, in the sacred walls, where the immortal spirit of the patroness of the stage art Melpomene reigns, theatrical performances are created, comprehending the meaning of which, the viewer comprehends the meaning of life.

Continuing the chronicle of the Turkmen theatrical art, the construction of a modern theater platform is underway in the new administrative centre of the Ahal velayat, the city of Arkadag. The majestic building of the State Drama Theater, located in the centre of the «smart» city, on the basis of the Resolution adopted by the Mejlis Milli Gengesh will bear the name of the founder of the Turkmen theatrical art Aman Gulmammedov, a famous artist, playwright and director in our country.

The name of Aman Gulmammedov entered the history of the national theatre and cinema thanks to the natural talent and incredible work of the artist. He was born back in 1908 in the village of Yylgyn-Kariz, in the Gokdepe etrap of the Ahal velayat. The craving for creativity woke up in his youth.

The future actor graduated from the Ashgabat School of Oriental Arts. He studied at the capital's mechanical technical school of communications, where he participated in the performances of an amateur circle. He continued his education at the Turkmen theatre studio, after which he joined the troupe of the country's first national drama theatre.

Creating vivid stage images, Aman Gulmammedov impressed with his acting. On the theatre stage, he played the roles of Shakespeare's characters, heroes from the works of Turkmen and Russian literature. And on the movie screen, he was remembered for the films «The Distant Bride», «Dursun», «The Shepherd's Son» and others.

In the process of creative activity, he went from an artist to the chief director and director of the Turkmen State Drama Theatre named after Mollanepes. The high audience rating and numerous awards, including the Magtymguly International Prize of Turkmenistan, testify to the great talent of Aman Gulmammedov.

Today's young artists learn from his film works, which make up the Golden Fund of National Cinema. And this continuity of generations symbolizes the inextricable link between the past, present and future, being a continuation of the best traditions of the Turkmen theatre and cinema, which perform an important function of patriotic, aesthetic and moral education.

The opening of a new theatre venue will be a great gift for creative teams and another important step in the development of national art.