Ï Days of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran opened in Turkmenistan

Days of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran opened in Turkmenistan

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Days of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran opened in Turkmenistan

Today, the capital city has hosted a solemn opening ceremony of Days of culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Turkmenistan and a concert of actors of the friendly country.

Iran is the closest neighbour and economic partner of our country. In the Era of Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state relations between two peoples based on principles of good neighbourhood, goodwill and mutual understating, obtain qualitatively a new content.

The fruitfulness of the official visit of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to Iran made in June of 2022, which gave an impulse for expansion of interstate relations, including intensification of close scientific and educational contacts and exchange in culture and art, can attest to this fact.

Within the framework of the visit there was signed a large package of documents among, which are the Program for scientific, cultural, creative and educational exchange between the Government of Turkmenistan and Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for 2022–2025; Memorandum of mutual understanding between the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radiobroadcasting and Cinematography and Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting on cooperation (IRIB); Memorandum of mutual understanding between the State information Agency of Turkmenistan and Information Agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Memorandum of mutual understanding between the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Magtymguly of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran on cooperation; Memorandum of mutual understanding between the khyakimlik of Mary velayat of Turkmenistan and khyakimlik of Razavi Khorasan province of the Islamic Republic of Iran on trade and economic, scientific and technical and cultural cooperation; Memorandum of mutual understanding between the khyakimlik of Balkan velayat of Turkmenistan and khyakimlik of Golestan province of the Islamic Republic of Iran on trade and economic, scientific and technical and cultural cooperation; Memorandum of mutual understanding between the khyakimlik of Akhal velayat of Turkmenistan and khyakimlik of Khorasan Shomali province of the Islamic Republic of Iran on trade and economic, scientific and technical and cultural cooperation.

Today, close cultural exchange has been established between Turkmenistan and Iran and within its framework scientific conferences, creative tours of famous musicians, exhibitions and film shows, Days of culture and other joint events are organized.

It should be noted that in the territory of the neighbouring country, in the village of Aktokay of Golestan province of great Turkmen poet philosopher Magtymguly Fragi and his father Dovletmammet Azady were buried. It is the place of pilgrimage for those whose paths of ideals glorified by our famous compatriots.

Current Days of culture of Iran in Turkmenistan also speak of another page in the history of relations between two countries aimed at further strengthening of links of friendship and mutual understanding.

Their solemn opening ceremony took place in the Mukam Palace of the State Culture Centre where on that occasion representatives of Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and its subordinate departments, the general public, diplomatic missioned accredited to Turkmenistan, mass media, workers of culture and art of our country, teachers and students of higher educational institutions gathered.

The creative delegation of IRI included heads and specialists in culture, creative groups, artists, masters of national handcrafts and old national sports.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Days of Iranian Culture, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Turkmenistan Gholam Abbas Arbab Khales noted that the current cultural action is aimed at strengthening friendship, mutual understanding and trusting dialogue between the Turkmen and Iranian peoples, who have a long history of good neighbourly relations.

Having expressed his acknowledgement to President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov for his attention to development of bilateral relations, the ambassador with satisfaction pointed out that in recent years the interstate relations have been characterized with a growing dynamics, especially in trade, economic and humanitarian spheres.

The gathered were of unanimous opinion that that event will facilitate further mutual enrichment of cultures of Türkmen and Iranian peoples, development of professional contacts of representatives of creative intelligentsia of two countries.

Participants of the solemnity thanked President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and President of IRI Seyed Ebrahim Raisi for the policy of multifaceted partnership, expansion of scope of mutually useful cultural contacts between neighbouring countries peoples of which live in peace and concordance.

Then, a concert of Iranian masters of art took place on the stage of the Mukamlar Palace, the program of which included performances by famous performers of folk music and songs, popular creative groups "Kormanj" and "Ronak".

Noisy applauds of the hall became an evaluation of the high mastery of representatives of the organization of old sports displaying adherence of Iranian people to their deep rotted traditions and customs.

A concert of artists from a friendly country will also be held on February 13 at the Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theatre.

On the same day, within the framework of the Days of Iranian Culture, the Museum of Fine Arts will open an exhibition of Iranian arts and crafts.

Ashgabat residents and guests of the capital will get acquainted with the works of famous Iranian painters, masters of folk arts and crafts - calligraphers, miniaturists, engravers, carpet weavers, wood carvers.

Traditionally the large exposition will displays bright miniatures, illustrating works of classics of Persian poetry , handmade silk carpets, unique toys, fine works of leather and wood, samples of calligraphy , enamelled paintings, national costumes, various souvenirs and others. Visitors of the exhibition will be also able to taste dishes of Iranian cuisine.

The state academy of fine arts will host creative evenings and master classes.

On February 13-14, film fans will meet with Iranian cinema at the Ashgabat Cinema Centre, where films of various genres made in recent years will be shown.

Prospects for cooperation in the field of culture will be discussed during the scheduled meetings of the official delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the leadership of the cultural sector of Turkmenistan.

The Days of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran will end on February 14 at the Mukamlar Palace of the State Cultural Centre, where the closing ceremony of the creative action and the concert of friendship between artists of the two countries will be held.

Within the framework of the cultural program, guests will be familiarized with the exposition of museums and other sights of the Turkmen capital.