Ï On the stage of the Student Theatre named after Mollanepes hosted a performance of the play «Shohleli hatyn»

On the stage of the Student Theatre named after Mollanepes hosted a performance of the play «Shohleli hatyn»

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On the stage of the Student Theatre named after Mollanepes hosted a performance of the play «Shohleli hatyn»
Alexey Gimalitdinov

On the stage of the Student Theatre named after Mollanepes hosted a performance of the play «Shohleli hatyn», staged according to one of the destans of the epic «Oguznama» staged by playwright Juma Hudayguliyev. Almost all viewers, most of them students and teachers of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture, were greatly moved by the moral message of the play. The director of this exciting drama is a student of the directing faculty Tanryberdy Atayev.

 –  In 2015, when I only dreamed of being a director, I happened to see a play about Shokhleli hatyn performed by Dashoguz actors, – says Tanryberdy. The drama made a huge impression on me. It has a lot of topics: love, and the interaction of people, and family values, and government. Therefore, as soon as I had the opportunity to stage a performance of my choice, I without a doubt settled on the drama «Shohleli hatyn».
This story is about a woman who, having married a khan, continued to wither with love for his son Kora Tegin. A pernicious passion almost led to the massacre of the innocent son of the khan, however, thanks to the wise vizier and a cup of Chinese tea, justice was restored in the khan's family.

For Tanryberdy and assistant director Merdan Gulamov, the choice of actors was coming. Since this is the environment of the Khan, it means that all the actors must be beautiful. For the role of the insidious beauty Shokhleli, they decided to invite a sophomore from the acting department, Sakhra Kurbanova, there was no question of a candidate for the role of a trusting khan - he should be the largest and loudest student. And this, of course, is Tanryberdy's classmate - Yazmurat Allaberdyev. The role of the younger son of Khan Kora Tegin was played by another classmate - Ibraim Durdyev.

Production designer Dunyagozel Durdyeva designed the scene in a minimalist style. It is noteworthy that the walls of the khan's house were decorated with amulets, preserving the happiness of the family hearth. The musical accompaniment of the play's actions was successful: Serdar Kerimov used little-known melodies with oriental flavor.

The play «Shohleli hatyn» raised spiritual and moral themes, which have not lost their relevance over time. Based on these moral values, relationships in the family and society are built. Therefore, the play by Juma Khudayguliyev is in demand at the present time and will be in demand in the future.