Ï Science - production

Science - production

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Science - production

The Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan is called upon to play a leading role in the development of fundamental science and applied research, the introduction of scientific developments into production.

The Head of the Department of Physical and Mathematical, Chemical, Geological and Technical Sciences of the Academy, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Corresponding Member of ANT Rahman Esedullayev. This key division of the Academy of Sciences includes the Centre for Technology, the Institute of Chemistry, the Institute of Seismology and Atmospheric Physics, which are most closely associated with production.

The scientists working in them are engaged in research work, the relevance and quality of which is controlled by the management of the department. On the basis of research, dissertations are defended, scientific monographs and textbooks are published, the results of developments are reflected in popular science articles and speeches at scientific and practical conferences. The practical significance of many scientific works is evidenced by copyright certificates and patents obtained by scientists.

Particular attention is paid to the preparation of recommendations for the scientifically based development of various sectors of the economy, the introduction of new technologies and know-how. For this purpose, two catalogs of innovative technologies have already been published, which contain more than 500 scientific recommendations and proposals aimed at increasing productivity in the oil and gas industry, developing alternative energy, producing new import-substituting products based on local raw materials, etc. These catalogs contain both original developments of Turkmen scientists, which have a significant economic effect, and advanced world achievements, adapted to the conditions and needs of Turkmenistan. Currently, a new, third edition of this series is being prepared, in which specialists employed in production will be able to find a lot of useful things to improve their activities.

To introduce scientific recommendations into production, scientists have established close ties with the State Concerns «Turkmengaz», «Turkmennebit», «Turkmenhimiya», as well as with such flagship enterprises of the country as the Turkmenbashy complex of oil refineries, the Turkmenabat chemical plant, the Ahal plant for the production of gasoline from natural gas and others. The use of scientific developments and proposals in the production is formalized by an implementation act, and its effectiveness is confirmed by the data obtained, for example, on the productivity of gas wells before and after the implementation of the recommendation.