Ï The world of birds in the world around us

The world of birds in the world around us

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The world of birds in the world around us

On the 1st of the April, the entire planet annually celebrates International Bird Day. This ecological holiday arose as a counterbalance to the disappearance of many species of avifauna from the face of the Earth. The bird festival was introduced in the United States in 1894, and then became widespread in many countries of the world.

Assistance to birds is also carried out in Turkmenistan. In 1968, under the leadership of the Turkmen ornithologist Academician Anver Rustamov, a member of the Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Society for Conservation of Nature was organized.

In the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan, it has become a tradition to hold competitions and exhibitions dedicated to our feathered friends on the International Day of Birds. Thus, during February-March of this year, the Department of Nature and Local History held a competition among students of secondary schools in the city of Ashgabat, as well as higher and secondary educational institutions of Turkmenistan, dedicated to knowledge about the life of birds. As a result of testing, the winners of 2 rounds were determined among the contestants, who were presented with memorable gifts.

On the 31st of the March in 2023, the State Museum hosted the grand opening of an exhibition called «The World of Birds», which was attended by famous scientists of the country, teachers and students of higher educational institutions.

Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Turkmen Agricultural University named after  S.A. Nyyazov Saparmyrat Annamuhammedov, Head of the Department of the National Institute of Education of Turkmenistan, Ph.D. in Biology Sapargeldi Durdyyev and other prominent scientists spoke about the history of the celebration of the International Day of Birds in Turkmenistan, about the birds found in our country, about the activities for the protection of wildlife and the policy pursued in this  direction by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Students of secondary school №143 performed an artistic composition dedicated to birds.

After the solemn part, the guests of honor were introduced to an exhibition of birds, reflecting their diversity and beauty. The exposition featured stuffed animals of various species of birds found in nature, their nests, eggs, birds, depicted in jewellery compositions, small sculptures, on paintings by artists and carpet panels, as well as in photographs.

A separate place in the exhibition is given to scientific and fiction literature, illustrated magazines about birds. For the first time, old books dating back to the beginning of the 20th century are presented. The exposition of the exhibition also features portraits of famous ornithologists of Turkmenistan.

The diaries of the famous ornithologist, professor of Moscow State University G.P. Dementiyev, who worked during the years of the Patriotic War on the territory of Turkmenistan. The diaries of the ornithologist Dementyev took a prominent place in the exhibition dedicated to the International Day of Birds.