Ï Children are looking for beauty

Children are looking for beauty

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Children are looking for beauty
Aleksey Gimalitdinov

Under this title in the Children's Art School name after Bashim Nurali opened an exhibition of 30 portraits made by students of the 3rd grade of the painting department. 

All portraits are made in soft pencil from life or from photographs. The main goal set for the participants of the exhibition is a portrait resemblance, the transfer of age, character and mood. From the portrait, one can assume the profession of the sitter and the time of his life.

The exhibition presents the best of the works. Three participants of the exhibition distinguished themselves: Shirin Suwhanova, Maral Kakajanova and Sultangul Amanova. With a passion for portraits, the girls have already switched to the human figure.

Together with the portrait exposition, an exhibition of tapestries from students of the folk-applied department was organized. On the theme “Children are looking for beauty”, the guys prepared original tapestries telling about our country, our city and the traditions of our people. Bright saturated colors, skillfully selected palette helped young artists create cheerful tapestries, looking at which the audience involuntarily gets in a good mood.

Exhibitions of the best works at the Children's Art School noticeably stimulate children's creativity. The next exhibition is scheduled for World Health Day, and the guys from the painting and sculpture departments will take part in it.