Ï Head of State signed a number of documents

Head of State signed a number of documents

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Decree of the President of Turkmenistan

On Mylkiev A.O.

To appoint Mylkyev Atajan Orazmyradovich Hyakim of the Gordzhav etrap of the city of Arkadag.

President of Turkmenistan

Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Ashgabat, April 3, 2023.

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Decree of the President of Turkmenistan

On Mamiev G.O.

Appoint Mamiev Guvanch Orazgeldievich as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Arkadag".

President of Turkmenistan

Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Ashgabat, April 3, 2023.

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Decree of the President of Turkmenistan

On Nyyazlyev A.A.

In accordance with Article 16 of the Law of Turkmenistan "On the Prosecutor's Office of Turkmenistan" I hereby decree:

to release Junior Counselor of Justice Nyyazlyev Allanazar Atayevich from the post of prosecutor of the Mary Velayat.

President of Turkmenistan,

Supreme Commander

Armed Forces of Turkmenistan

Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Ashgabat, April 3, 2023.

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Decree of the President of Turkmenistan

On the appointment and dismissal of judges of the courts of Turkmenistan and the assignment of qualification classes to them

In accordance with articles 43, 54, 56, 72 and 83 of the Law of Turkmenistan "On the Court" I hereby decree to:

appoint Egenmammedova Gyzylgul Bayramdurdyevna as a judge of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan, introduce her to the Presidium of this court, dismissing her as a judge of the Ashgabat City Court,

appoint Nazarov Arazgylych as chairman of the Arbitration Court of Turkmenistan, releasing him from the post of chairman of the Dashoguz velayat court,

appoint Nuryev Khadzhimammet Nurlyevich as the chairman of the Ashgabat city court, releasing him from the post of judge of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan,

appoint Dzhumamyrat Charyevich Achylov as Deputy Chairman of the Ashgabat City Court, releasing him from the post of judge of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan,

appoint Myradov Maksatmyrat Annagulyevich as the chairman of the Bagtyyarlyk etrap court of the city of Ashgabat, releasing him from the post of judge of the Akdepe etrap court of the Dashoguz velayat,

appoint Bahar Geldimyradovna Berdiyeva as a judge of the Kopetdag etrap court of the city of Ashgabat and assign her the 5th qualification class,

appoint Salakova Gulshat Annagurbanovna as a judge of the Berkararlyk etrap court of the city of Ashgabat and assign her the 5th qualification class,

appoint Rejepov Yzzat Charyevich as a judge of the Shavat etrap court of the Dashoguz velayat and assign him the 5th qualification class,

appoint Annaev Saylav Aimukhammedovich as a judge of the Boldumsaz etrap court of the Dashoguz velayat and assign him the 5th qualification class,

appoint Ovezmyradov Serdar Nurgeldievich as a judge of the Kunyaurgench etrap court of the Dashoguz velayat and assign him the 5th qualification class,

appoint Aman Leyliyevich Gokjaev as the chairman of the Mary Velayat Court, releasing him from the post of Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan,

appoint Atajanov Rustam Khamraevich as the chairman of the Mary city court of the Mary velayat,

appoint Amangeldiev Ashyrmyrat Amangeldievich as a judge of the Vekilbazar etrap court of Mary velayat and assign him the 5th qualification class,

appoint Bayramov Geldimurat Mametmuratovich as a judge of the Bayramali etrap court of the Mary velayat and assign him the 5th qualification class,

appoint Garaev Myrat Shamukhammedovich as a judge of the Kizylarvat etrap court of the Balkan velayat, relieving him of the post of judge for administrative and executive proceedings of the court of the city of Turkmenbashi, Balkan velayat,

appoint Berdieva Chemen Khalmukhammedovna as a judge of the Dyanevsky etrap court of the Lebap velayat, releasing her from the post of judge of the Sayat etrap court of the Lebap velayat,

appoint Amanov Aman Jumamuhammet oglu as a judge of the Turkmenabat city court of the Lebap velayat and assign him the 5th qualification class,

appoint Atabayeva Yazgul Orazmyradovna as a judge for administrative and executive proceedings of the Bagtyyarlyk etrap court of the city of Ashgabat and assign her the 5th qualification class,

appoint Bozakov Aimyrat ¬Atayevich as a judge for administrative and executive proceedings of the court of the city of Turkmenbashi, Balkan velayat and assign him the 5th qualification class,

in connection with the expiration of the term of office, release Altybaev Myrat Khuseyinkuliyevich from the position of a judge for administrative and executive proceedings of the Buzmeyinsky etrap court of the city of Ashgabat,

in connection with the expiration of the term of office, release Agamyrat Tagandurdyevich Babayev from the post of judge of the court of the city of Turkmenbashi, Balkan velayat,

in connection with the expiration of the term of office, release Achylov Bagtyyar Khalbaevich from the post of judge of the Darganata etrap court of the Lebap velayat,

in connection with the expiration of the term of office, release Rakhatjan Reyimovna Razzakova from the post of judge of the Halach etrap court of the Lebap velayat,

in connection with the expiration of the term of office, release Nobatova Myakhri Penjievna from the post of judge of the Kerkinsky etrap court of the Lebap velayat,

in connection with the expiration of the term of office, release Bahargul Rakhmetkulievna Kadyrova from the post of judge of the Dyanevsky etrap court of the Lebap velayat,

release Ataev Byashim from the post of judge of the Arbitration Court of Turkmenistan.

President of Turkmenistan,

Supreme Commander

Armed Forces of Turkmenistan

Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Ashgabat, April 3, 2023.

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By Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in accordance with Article 16 of the Law of Turkmenistan "On the Prosecutor's Office of Turkmenistan":

Junior Counselor of Justice Nyyazlyev Allanazar Ataevich was appointed Deputy Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan,

Counselor of Justice Gurbangulyev Begench Yazmukhammedovich was appointed Deputy Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan, Head of the Main Department with the dismissal from the post of the prosecutor of the Dargan-Ata etrap of the Lebap velayat,

Junior Counselor of Justice Annasakhatov Ashirgeldi Bayramsakhatovich was appointed prosecutor of the Darganata etrap of the Lebap velayat,

legal adviser Akmammedov Alymuhammet Amanmyradovich was dismissed from the post of Deputy Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan due to the expiration of the term of office,

Senior Counselor of Justice Begmyradov Begmyrat Meretdurdyevich was dismissed from the post of Deputy Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan, Head of the Main Directorate,

Counselor of Justice Alimov Maksat Gurbanmyradovich was dismissed from the post of Deputy Prosecutor of the Balkan Velayat due to the expiration of his term of office.

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By the decree of the President of Turkmenistan, Kakabaev Palvan Charyevich was appointed director of the Arkadag TV channel of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography.