Ï New issue of Collection of articles of the series «Art and architecture of Turkmenistan»

New issue of Collection of articles of the series «Art and architecture of Turkmenistan»

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The new issue of the quarterly magazine "Construction and architecture of Turkmenistan introduces readers to the materials devoted to scientific research in the field of earthquake engineering, introduction of new building materials and structures, urban planning aspects of the design of towns and villages, study of the architectural heritage.

The issue is opened by the materials, devoted to the opening of the International Airport of Ashgabat, which was commissioned in September this year and became one of the important steps toward realization of grand plant of the head of state in sphere of turning of Turkmenistan into largest transport and logistics center of the continent and key link, connecting Europe and Asia.

Several articles in this issue are devoted to several significant Ashgabat facilities included in the Guinness Book, as well as new architectural forms of the capital. Highlights of large-scale housing construction, continuing in all provinces and capital, as well as the introducing the new technologies of precast and monolithic construction are presented in the article “Effective design schemes of high-rise dwelling buildings”, published under the rubric “Experience”.

The article “Management of the seismic effect of mass explosions with using a low-speed means of initiation” in section “Science” tells about the discovered by Turkmen scientists blasting methods in mining quarries for building materials.

The article "New Buildings and Security Archaeology" gives commentary to the “Procedure for approval of land management projects, earthworks, road-building, construction, reclamation, economic and other activities on the territory of Turkmenistan”, approved by resolution President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov “On ensuring the protection of immovable historical and cultural monuments of Turkmenistan.”

In the rubric category "History" the audience can find the illustrated essay "Imaging of white yurts Turkmen-Oguz in the works, created in the tradition of Oguznama”. The new issues of the magazine is concluded by materials on the International exhibition “Turkmen construction-2016” and the conference “Development of construction industry of Turkmenistan”, devoted to progressive innovations, technological developments in the construction industry, as well as to the photo exhibition on contemporary Japanese architecture, held at the Museum of Fine Arts.

Magazine "Construction and architecture of Turkmenistan", which is of interest for both domestic and foreign readers, is published in Turkmen, Russian and English. It has also website and sold through the App Store system.