Ï Restoration work completed at Shehrislam settlement

Restoration work completed at Shehrislam settlement

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Restoration work completed at Shehrislam settlement

The solemn closing ceremony of the 27th project of the «Ambassador's Fund for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage» (AFCP) was held on the territory of the historical monument Shehrislam, located in the Baherden etrap of the Ahal velayat.

The Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, with the assistance of the US Embassy in Turkmenistan, together with the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country, carried out a number of restoration and restoration work to preserve ancient hydraulic structures of the XXI century.

It is noteworthy that this Project, implemented as part of a public-private partnership, was successfully completed ahead of schedule.

Specialists of the Institute of History removed the sand from the sardobs, restored the water portals, strengthened the walls and the dome of the sardobs, restored the fortress walls of the surrounding caravanserai.

Known in medieval written sources as the fortress of Tak Yazyr, the historical monument was one of the significant cities built in the 9th century along the Khorezm-Khorasan trade route.

Shehrislam was an important stop on the Great Silk Road, a centre of trade and crafts. At its peak, the city covered an area of 100 hectares. In addition, Shehrislam had a system of water conduits, so necessary in a hot climate.

Water entered the city through a special system from natural sources located in the Kopetdag mountains, more than 20 kilometers from the city, through irrigation tunnels and other brick channels. At the excavation site, an underground sardoba and a cistern for storing water located next to it were discovered. The sardoba was connected to the cistern with ceramic pipes.

The complex of hydraulic structures, consisting of a sardoba, a cistern for storing water and water conduits encircling the caravanserai, was intended both for recreation of travelers and for providing the population with water.

Remains of architectural structures and archaeological finds continue to be found in Shehrislam, which are an invaluable source of information for studying the architecture, economy and culture of cities located along the Great Silk Road.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, U.S. Ambassador to Turkmenistan Matthew S. Klimow said:

–We are fully confident that Shehrislam, like other 29 projects that reflect the rich cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, will inspire American and Turkmen scientists, as well as other organizations, to partner through AFCP and other cultural programs.