Ï Celebrations in honour of the holiday of Turkmen carpet

Celebrations in honour of the holiday of Turkmen carpet

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Celebrations in honour of the holiday of Turkmen carpet
Aleksey Gimalitdinov

Today, in the capital, the events dedicated to the Turkmen Carpet Day, which is traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday of May – exhibition and the XXIII Conference of the World Association of Connoisseurs of Turkmen Handmade Carpet Weaving “Turkmen carpet - soul of Turkmen people”  - were held.

An impressive composition of delegations, which arrived from different corners of the world, confirms a great interest of foreign business circles in our dynamically developing country and aspiration to strengthen their positions in the attractive Turkmen market, and for those who newly come - the chance to establish direct contacts. There are heads and specialists of large enterprises-manufacturers and trading companies, representatives of research and culture centres as well as scientists, experts, admirers of Turkmen handmade carpet making art from Russia, Turkey, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan.

It is remarkable that Turkmen carpet making art takes a special place in the treasury of universal values.

Certainly, inclusion of this craft in UNESCO Intangible Cultural Human Heritage List promotes its advancement and popularisation abroad.

On the occasion of the holiday and in honour of remarkable carpet makers, whose skill, talent and inspiration creates products unsurpassed in beauty and perfection, the scientific forums and creative meetings, competitions and exhibitions were organised across the country these days.

The national museum of the Turkmen carpet, which is a home for large-scale exposition of classical and modern original works of national carpet making art, hosted the exhibition and became a venue for capital’s celebration festivities. On the area, adjoining to the museum elegant yurts and improvised craft workshops with all accompanying colours took place.

From the early morning, there is the festive atmosphere here with music and songs perfomed. In bright compositions of folklore-ethnographic ensembles and performances of musical groups of the country, the theme of “eternal value” - carefully preserved and transferred traditions of carpet making art from generation to generation is in the air.

Heads of the Mejlis, ministries and departments, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan and international organisations, art workers, student youth, representatives of public organisations, famous carpet weavers of the country took part in the solemn ceremony of opening of the exhibition.

The welcoming message of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov read that the traditional conference of the World Association of Connoisseurs of Turkmen Handmade Carpet Weaving will fully show national achievements and successes in carpet making art - the unique art adequately continued by our skilled workers, and also will allow to exchange opinions on interesting issues and to make active partner relations.

The present exhibition, which displays fine carpet products weaved by skilled workers at the enterprises of carpet making art of the State Corporation “Türkmenhaly” and in private workshops, became a bright illustration of high achievements of Turkmen carpet weavers. These classical ornamental carpets of pure wool and silk, landscape panels, magnificent subject pictures on which images of glorified Akhal-Teke racers revive. All of them differ with tremendous harmony of paints, unique refinement and individual creative approaches.

In a big variety at the exhibition, an assortment of goods with the label “Made in Turkmenistan” was displayed. Among them - products of carpet weaving, tapestry, a big collection of every possible souvenir products, bright handbags, colourful samples of national embroidery and decorative-patchwork art from brilliant silk fabric ketene.

The gift - a carpet with ornaments “Tazy guýruk”, “It ýatak”, “Güjük yzy” woven with patterns of archaeological finds on the occasion of the holiday was of particular interest of the exhibition visitors. 

Local and foreign businessmen displayed silk and woollen carpets and carpet products at the exhibition.

The colourful panorama of expositions gave the chance to visitors to familiarise with extraordinary variety of directions of the art glorified for the whole world Turkmen carpet making art and to get an idea of sources of national traditions, features and character of original culture of Turkmen.

As part of celebrations, under the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, the women carpet weavers of carpet enterprises were awarded the honorary title “Türkmenistanyň at gazanan halyçysy”. 

In the second half of day, the conference hall of the State Corporation “Türkmenhaly” hosted the regular conference of the World Association of Connoisseurs of Turkmen Handmade Carpet Weaving.

On the sidelines of the forum, achievements on careful preservation and wide popularisation of the spiritual and a cultural heritage of Turkmen people, national traditions of handmade carpet making art and other kinds of arts and crafts, introduction of the latest industrial solutions in the area were discussed.

As it was marked, the Turkmen carpet ornaments are bright elements of design of architectural composition of Ashgabat city, which was included in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the Design category.

The important role in development of national carpet making art, popularisations of unique handmade weavings is given to the wide cultural and trade-and-economic relations with foreign partners; carpets are of a certain from Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Greece, France and many other countries.

During the exchange of opinions, considerable successes in research of early archaeological and ethnographic evidence, written records of carpets and carpet symbols in local and foreign sources, unique historical and artistic importance of ancient art of Turkmen people were noted.

Foreign participants underlined that the State Museum of Oriental Art has the collection of 480 Turkmen carpets and carpet products. It is one of the best carpet collections of Turkmenistan in Europe.

Participants of the exhibition and XXIII Conference of the World Association of Connoisseurs of Turkmen Handmade Carpet Weaving “Turkmen carpet - soul of Turkmen people” have adopted the Message to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed their gratitude for his efforts in development and promotion of glorious traditions of the national carpet making art and favourable conditions created for expansion of international cooperation in this sphere.

In the evening, celebrations were featured with performance of creative groups in the Ashgabat concert venue. 

Meetings, exhibitions, scientific conferences, creative competitions, concerts and other activities were held across the country on the Turkmen Carpet Day.