Ï Decree of the President of Turkmenistan on results of the competition of scientific works among the youth of Turkmenistan

Decree of the President of Turkmenistan on results of the competition of scientific works among the youth of Turkmenistan

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During the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State in our country all conditions for education of the competent and well-educated younger generation, which brings a worthy contribution to achievements of modern science are created. The training of the professionally competent youth with higher education and a broad outlook for the bright future of our fatherland - one of our main tasks. With a view of encouragement of our talented youth into topical and fundamental research activities in science, education and innovative technologies, according to Decree № 14109 of the President of Turkmenistan “On organization of the competition of scientific works among the youth of Turkmenistan” of February 6, 2015 as well as on the occasion of Day of Science I decree:

1. To announce following young people winners of the competition of scientific works, which was held jointly by the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and Central Council of the Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan named after Makhtumkuli in 2023 and to award them following prizes:

Begmyradov Oguljemal Agamyradovna - post-graduate student of the Centre of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Berdiev Berdi Rahmanberdievich - post-graduate student of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Atashova Nargul Amangeldievna - research assistant of the department of scientific interpretation and control of the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Makhtumkuli of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Ataeva Mahri Nurgeldievna - research assistant of the department of modern history and independence period of the Institute of History and Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Baysahedova Ogulnar Gurbanberdievna - teacher-trainee of chair of inorganic and analytical chemistry of Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli (1st place – a computer),

Abaev Rovshengeldi Annageldi ogly - teacher-trainee of the department of animal husbandry of Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov (1st place - a computer),

Nurgeldiev Gylychmyrat Balkanovich - teacher-trainee of the department of geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev (1st place – a computer),

Orazov Guvanchmuhammet Ovlyaguly ogly - clinical intern of the department of military field surgery of the State Medical University named after Myrat Garryev of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Ataev Mekan Parahatovich - teacher-trainee of the department of finance of Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management (1st place – a computer),

Yazyev Archmanberdi Penjimyradovich - teacher of the department of chemical technology of inorganic substances of Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction (1st place – a computer),

Atajayeva Maysa Yazmuhammedovna - teacher-trainee of the department of economy and management of enterprises of the Institute of Engineering-Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Gurbanmyradov Gurbanmyrat Batyrovich - teacher of the department of finance of Turkmen State Institute of Finance (1st place – a computer),

Gurbanov Myrat Shovketjanovich – conscript of the Institute of National Security of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Soltanova Ogulay Batyrovna - teacher-trainee of the department of Roman-German languages, literature and methods of their teaching of Turkmen State Teacher Training Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi (1st place – a computer),

Durdyev Serdar Gulmuhammedovich – member of the committee for working with representative bodies of state authority and local self-government of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Kichiev Muhammetberdi Bayrammuhammedovich - attaché of the department of countries of the Near East and Africa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Guyjov Novruz - director of transmissions of III category of the department of political-economic programmes of TV and radio channel “Altyn Asyr: Türkmenistan” of the State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Geldieva Chynar Guvandjovna - research assistant of the laboratory of drilling fluids of the department of drilling of the research centre of natural gas of the State Concern "Türkmengaz" (2nd place – a TV set),

Allakulyeva Gulalek Akmyradovna - teacher-trainee of the department of forest and park economy of Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov (2nd place – a TV set),

Yazgeldieva Akbibi Toregeldievna - teacher-trainee of the department of philosophy and sociology of the International University for Humanities and Development (2nd place – a TV set),

Hommadova Gulsenem Kakageldievna -teacher-trainee of the department of international law and comparative jurisprudence of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set),

Charyeva Ayna Myratgeldievna - teacher-co-ordinator of the department of pedagogics and psychology of Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (2nd place – a TV set),

Abdyrasulov Dovran Saparmyradovich -senior teacher of the department of air defence of the land forces of the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi the Great (2nd place – a TV set),

Berdimammedov Seyitmammet Esenmyradovich - teacher of the department of criminalistics of the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set),

Artykov Eziz Ataevich - teacher of the department of biology and methodology of its teaching of the Turkmen State Teacher Training Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi (2nd place – a TV set),

Tashliev Arslan Dortgulyevich - chairman of the committee of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan in the city of Arkadag (2nd place – a TV set),

Bekgiev Muhammet Berdimuradovich – executive secretary of the newspaper “Türkmenistan” (2nd place – a TV set),

Guljagazova Gulistan Soltanmammedovna - teacher of the Balkanabat oil secondary professional school of State Concern "Türkmennebit" (2nd place – a TV set),

Kulieva Enejan Annamyradovna – chief engineer of the laboratory of technologies of synthesis of new substances of the Centre of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set),

Bayramov Alty Ashyrmuhammet ogly - head of the department of the centre for development of entrepreneurship of the Centre of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set),

Sopyev Emir Jumadurdyevich - teacher of the department of theory and methodology of physical training and sports of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (3rd place – a TV set),

Kakabaev Kakamyrat Akmyradovich - teacher-trainee of the department of martial arts of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (3rd place – a TV set),

Durdyev Orazmuhammet Durdyevich -teacher of the department of engineering systems and networks of the Institute of Engineering-Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set),

Geldiev Dovletmyrat Vepamyrat ogly - teacher of the department of plant growing of Turkmen Agricultural Institute (3rd place – a TV set),

Niyazov Rejepgeldi Agamyradovich - teacher of the department of automated control systems of the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great (3rd place – a TV set),

Muhammedova Ayjemal Shamyradovna - teacher of the department of power plants of the State Power Engineering Institute of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set),

Ataeva Ybrayim Batyrovich - teacher of the pedagogical school named after Hydyr Deryaev (3rd place – a TV set),

Hudayberdiyeva Nurana Babamyradovna -11th form schoolgirl of Ashgabat specialised general educational boarding school named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi (3rd place – a TV set),

Arazov Dovletmyrat Amanmyradovich – 11th form schoolboy of Ashgabat specialised secondary school № 86 with profound study of English language, chemistry and biology (3rd place – a TV set),

Babageldiev Omarhan Muhammetgeldievich – 9th form schoolboy of secondary school № 2 of Ashgabat city (3rd place – a TV set),

Shyhyeva Mylayim Shohradovna – 11th form schoolgirl of secondary school № 14 of Mary city of Mary velayat (3rd place – a TV set),

Meredov Annamuhammet Meretgeldi ogly – 11th form schoolboy of secondary school № 18 named after D.Okdirov of Makhtumkuli etrap of Balkan velayat (3rd place – a TV set),

Mamutniyazova Dilnoz Rozumbay gyzy – 2nd year student of the faculty of computer sciences and information technology of Oguzhan Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan (1st place – a computer),

Amanmuradov Maysa Amanmurat gyzy -3rd year of the faculty of Oriental languages and literature of the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azady (1st place – a computer),

Yovbasarov Kuvvat Kervenovich – 3rd year student of the faculty of composition, musicology and piano of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulieva (1st place – a computer),

Ballyeva Guvanch Nurmuhammedovich – 5th year student of the faculty of Turkmen language and literature of the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli (2nd place – a TV set),

Beghanov Jemshit Serdargeldievich – 3rd year student of the faculty of biotechnology and ecology of Oguzhan Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set),

Gulmammedov Nurmyrat Charymyradovich – 3rd year student of the faculty of economy and management of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev (2nd place – a TV set),

Babanazarov Muhammetoraz Shanazarovich – 3rd year student of the road-building faculty of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction (2nd place – a TV set),

Ataev Mekan Myradovich – 3rd year student of the faculty of security of information systems of the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set),

Ashyrmuhammedov Muhammetali Berdimyradovich – 2nd year student of the faculty of security of information systems of the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set),

Tuvakova Mahri Myradovna – 3rd year student of the faculty of European languages and literature of the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azady (2nd place – a TV set),

Eyeberdieva Guljahan Annadurdiyevna – 3rd year student of the faculty of theatrical art of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture (2nd place – a TV set),

Babayev Maksat Berdimuradovich – 4th year student of the faculty of law of the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set),

Bashimova Bahar Bashimovna – 5th year student of the faculty of arts and crafts of the State Academy of Fine Art of Turkmenistan (2nd place – a TV set),

Shamyradov Atajan Ataguly ogly – 5th year student of the geography faculty of Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli (3rd place – a TV set),

Charymyradov Resulmyrat – 5th year student of the faculty of history of the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli (3rd place – a TV set),

Shakulov Islambek Shakirovich – 4th year student of the faculty of chemical and nanotechnologies of Oguzhan Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set),

Arslanov Bekgi Arslanovich – 5th year student of the faculty of power energy and engineering constructions of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev (3rd place – a TV set),

Kerimov Arslankerim Atajanovich – 4th year student of the faculty of international economic relations of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of  Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set),

 Muhammedova Rozay Muhammedovna – 4th year student of the faculty of radio technologies of communication of the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set),

Kerimov Guychgeldi Hangeldievich – 3rd year student of the faculty of economy and digital technologies of the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set),

Bashimov Begench Amangeldievich – 3rd year cadet of the Institute of National Security of Turkmenistan (3rd place – TV set),

Abbasova Kovsar Rustemalievna – 1st year student of the faculty of architecture and design of the State Academy of Fine Art of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set),

Kurbanov Shatlyk Joramyradovich – 5th year cadet of the Border Institute of Turkmenistan (3rd place – a TV set),

Amanova Mahrijemal Dovletmuradovna – 4th year student of the faculty of agronomics of Turkmen Agricultural Institute (3rd place – a TV set),

Baylyev Bayly Nurmadovich – 3rd year student of the faculty of veterinary science of Turkmen Agricultural Institute (3rd place – a TV set).

2. Expenses on the purposes specified in the first part of the present Decree should be  financed from the Fund of the President of Turkmenistan for the Support of Young Scientists.

President of Turkmenistan
Serdar Berdymuhamedov