Ï A joint concert in Ashgabat devoted to the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and China

A joint concert in Ashgabat devoted to the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and China

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The Turkmen National Music and Drama Theater named after Makhtumkuli has hosted a joint concert of Turkmen and Chinese artists, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and the People's Republic of China.

Welcoming the participants and spectators of the concert, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China in Turkmenistan Mr. Sun Weidong highlighted deep-rooted friendship between our peoples, which has more than two thousand years history, when the two countries were linked by the Great Silk Road. As Ambassador Sun Weidong mentioned, strengthening cooperation between the countries is possible due to the high level of political trust, strong friendship of the two leaders - President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of China Xi Jinping, the coincidence of development strategies and the desire of the peoples to maintain traditional friendship and pass it on to subsequent generations.

The program of the following concert of friendship consisted of bright performances of Turkmen and Chinese artists. It included songs, dances and acrobatic composition, folk performances and modern pop songs.

Artists of Song and Dance Ensemble of Art Theater of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China “Soir” have conquered the audience with interesting performances: “Dance with a Vial on the head”, “Yule”, “Prestidigitation”, “Climbing Pole” and others. The spectators have also been pleasured by performance of “The Shining” by Muqam from the “Compendium of 12 Muqams”.

Turkmen soloists and ensembles organically complemented popular guest appearances - Dance Ensemble “Ashgabat” and folk group “Galkynysh”.

Through stylistic unity of music, song and dance artists communicated the uniqueness of cultures of their peoples.

The final number of the holiday of Turkmen-Chinese friendship was “Turkmenistan” patriotic song, gathering all the participants of the joint concert together on stage.

The creative team of “Soir” is one of the oldest in China, it was founded in 1949 and brings together representatives of 12 nationalities, including Uighurs, Han, Kazakh, and others. The ensemble promotes the traditions of national musical song and choreographic art, and has toured over more than 90 countries of the world.

Artists of the friendly country got acquainted with the expositions of the museums of the Turkmen capital and its other attractions. Song and Dance Ensemble of Xinjiang Arts Theatre also performed for the Turkmen and Chinese experts working in the contract area “Bagtyyarlyk” in Lebap province where transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-China originates.