Ï Turkmenistan is building up its gas export potential

Turkmenistan is building up its gas export potential

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According to the results of seven months, the plan for the export of «blue fuel» was fulfilled by 114 percent. On Friday, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that given the growth in winter demand for natural gas, it is necessary to start preparatory work to ensure uninterrupted supply of domestic and foreign consumers with it.

The head of state also drew attention to the importance of taking measures to increase the production of liquefied gas, which, like pipeline gas, has an export value.

Turkmenistan, which has the richest hydrocarbon reserves, can significantly increase export deliveries by implementing a strategy of diversifying energy flows in various directions. Currently, China is the largest export market for gas from Turkmenistan: out of the total agreed volume of supplies through the «Central Asia-China» gas pipeline of 55 billion cubic meters per year, 40 billion cubic meters are contracted by Turkmenistan.

During the trilateral summit held in Ashgabat in early August, the Turkmen side proposed to consider the prospects for a strategic partnership in the gas industry between Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Specific aspects of the implementation of the tasks set during this summit were discussed at a meeting held last week between the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan B. Amanov, who is in charge of the fuel and energy complex, and the Minister of Energy of Uzbekistan Zh. Mirzamakhmudov, who arrived in Turkmenistan at the head of the delegation of his country.

The parties paid special attention to the creation of a multi-variant system for the supply of Turkmen energy resources to foreign countries, and primarily to neighbouring states. Following the meeting, the parties agreed to conclude a new agreement on the supply of Turkmen natural gas to Uzbekistan.

Last week, Ashgabat also discussed the development of the Turkmen-Iraqi gas cooperation. During the meeting of representatives of the State Concern «Turkmengas» and a high-ranking delegation of the Republic of Iraq, the Iraqi side made proposals to expand bilateral cooperation in the fuel and energy sector. Particular attention was paid to the issues of swap supplies of Turkmen natural gas to Iraq through the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Two major energy projects are of breakthrough importance for the growth of gas exports of Turkmenistan - the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline and the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline. As a result of the June visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan to Islamabad, a joint plan for the implementation of the TAPI gas pipeline project was signed, which provides for the completion of its feasibility study and the acceleration of construction work as soon as possible.

As for the supply of Turkmen gas to the west, during the talks between President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban during a recent working visit to Budapest, it was noted that the European vector has been and remains one of the priorities for Turkmenistan, which is always ready for effective interaction with foreign partners, both on a bilateral and multilateral basis.

In a press release issued by the country’s MFA in July, it was emphasized that Turkmenistan considers the Trans-Caspian pipeline an absolutely realistic project, justified from an economic point of view and capable of making a tangible contribution to ensuring energy security in Eurasia, guaranteeing long-term and uninterrupted access to sources of raw materials for European consumers, subject to the obvious benefits and interests of the transit side.