Ï Quality seeds are a guarantee of a good harvest

Quality seeds are a guarantee of a good harvest

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Quality seeds are a guarantee of a good harvest

Farmers in Lebap velayat have begun preparations for sowing winter wheat for next year's harvest. This year, from 130 thousand hectares of land, they intend to harvest a good harvest.

Currently, along with plowing, leveling and weeding, preparations are underway for sowing high-yielding wheat varieties. This year, farmers will use seven types of high-yielding wheat varieties.

On the recommendation of experts, it is important to change the crops used and their seeds after a few years. For this purpose, last year wheat varieties «Alekseich» and «Bezosty-100» were brought from the Russian Federation and planted for testing. From each hectare of this type of wheat, sown on 34 thousand hectares of the velayat, 60-70 centners of wheat were harvested. At the same time, it was found that these seeds quickly adapt to the soil and weather conditions of the velayat.

In the autumn sowing campaign of this year, wheat varieties such as «Alekseich» and «Bezostiy-100», as well as «Berkarar», «Garaşsyzlyk», «Bagtyýarlyk», «Sähraýy» will be planted in the velayat. «Bitaraplyk», bred by Turkmen scientists. High-quality sowing of wheat, which is the most important requirement for farmers, is one of the main conditions for achieving normal growth and obtaining an excellent harvest. That is why it is necessary that machines and cultivators work smoothly and productively throughout the entire period of the sowing campaign.

In this regard, effective work is currently being carried out in the Lebap velayat agricultural production association and its service enterprises in the etraps. It is planned to use 280 grain cultivators, and more than eight thousand bulldozers to prepare the land for planting.