Ï Hero-Arkadag spoke about the role of Turkmen youth

Hero-Arkadag spoke about the role of Turkmen youth

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Hero-Arkadag spoke about the role of Turkmen youth

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth held a general lesson at the «Ruhyyet» Palace in the city of Arkadag and spoke about the role of Turkmen youth in the development of the state and society.

According to him, in the achievements that contribute to strengthening the foundations of our independence and sovereignty, ensuring stable socio-economic development and a radical improvement in the social and living conditions of the people, the merit of representatives of society of all ages, especially young people, is great.

«As I always point out, our great future is inextricably linked with the happy life of young people. Therefore, the year 2023 was named «Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar», –said Hero-Arkadag.

He noted that young people who worthily continue the principles of patriotism of their ancestors, social and labour traditions based on humanism, noble features of the national character, are the future of our independent, permanently neutral Motherland.

According to Arkadag, in our independent Fatherland, ample opportunities are being created for a happy and prosperous life for young people, for them to receive modern education, achieve great success in science, and realize their creative potential.

«There is a significant role of youth in the socio-economic development of the country and in strengthening the authority of the Fatherland on the world stage. In this regard, youth policy is defined as a priority of the state strategy. Within the framework of the state program in the field of youth policy until 2025, effective measures are being taken to form physically strong and strong-willed young people who know and respect our history, culture, traditions and family values well», –the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan emphasized.

He also noted that the new version of the Law of Turkmenistan «On State Youth Policy» approved by Arkadagly Serdar guarantees the socio-economic and political rights of young people.