Ï The final round of the competition of young talents “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri”

The final round of the competition of young talents “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri”

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The final round of the  competition of young talents “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri”

Today under the arches of the building in the form of a huge yurt – “Türkmeniň аk öýi”, located in the valley “Nowruz ýaýlasy” in the etrap of Ak bugday – a gala concert of participants of the final round of children's music-song competition “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri”, devoted to the 32nd anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan, took place.

The annual creative competition of the youngest vocalists of the country traditionally gives a start for a set of festive events timed to the significant date. This review of young talents throughout many years has caused a huge interest of the public.

The overall objective of the competition, one of the important cultural actions of the year is to discover exceptionally gifted children from all corners of our fatherland, schoolchildren of general educational and music schools, children  of preschool centres, which are engaged in the centres of creativity, support of their talent, development of amateur and professional art in all variety of its kinds and genres, continuity of traditions of national musical culture as well as cultivation of  patriotism, love to traditions and customs of our people in the younger generation.

Preliminary rounds of the competition started long before the final gala concert and were held in several stages. Best of the best young actors, who have won qualifying rounds of the review, arrived in the capital.

Then celebrations proceeded in the building “Türkmeniň аk öýi” where the final concert of winners of the competition took place.

With sincere enthusiasm, people gathered for the opening ceremonies of the children's creative marathon heard a welcoming message of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to participants of the competition “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri”. In the message, the head of the state expressed firm confidence that inspired songs of young "stars" of the world of art are an embodiment of great pride and fidelity to our fatherland, its native people, fine nature of our land and its national art. “Your unique music, your fine songs is a unique world of wonderful beauty! They - the works of art displaying the happy epoch, people constructive labour, and also our peaceful, friendly, humane principles”, - the President of the country noted.

In the message of the head of the state it was underlined that today Turkmenistan as a result of indefatigable care of maintenance of happy life of the youth, who are our future, where the youth get modern education and proper training, enjoy conditions for practice of music-song creativity, turned into the country of happy childhood. In the land where the most treasured dreams come true, a new generation of young people attached to traditions of our brave ancestors, who are talented, love art and take up any work with enthusiasm, devoted to their native land, people, have emerged. 

The long-awaited meeting of finalists, with great impatience expecting this disturbing moment, turned into a bright and cheerful holiday. 

Today only prize winners of the final stage get a possibility to act on the main stage of the country and to step into their dreams.

The festival of gifted children held within the competition ”Türkmeniň Altyn asyry” for the award of the President of Turkmenistan creates a wide field for experiments and initiatives, courageous searches and new finds and encourages children to self-expression.

Separate performers, dancing, song and music groups and ensembles of national creativity took part in the final competition – rising "stars", which in the future should increase glory of national art.

This year, which passes under the motto “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”, the art contest, has obtained a special significance. Our beloved fatherland, its heritage and fine present, hardworking people, unique nature of the Turkmen land became famous for magic voices of youngest actors. Video clips, creating an image of the great country, which has presented young Turkmen nationals with carefree childhood, accompanied songs and dances.

The grandiose holiday was developed on the stage, participants shone with their flashing talent and brilliant skill.

The sonorous, entertainment is musical-poetic composition “MERJEN DÄNELER” in collective performance of participants of the competition, become an original musical emblem of festival, an ode to the epoch of happy childhood and well-being of Turkmen nationals opened a final solemn gala concert. It was devoted to parental care and constant attention of the head of the state to the younger generation and conditioned created in the country for their all-round harmonious development.

The concert continued with performances of inspired contestants, glorifying nice spiritual traditions and customs of Turkmen people, a rainbow-inspired palette of which created a special atmosphere of the big holiday in the hall of “Türkmeniň аk öýi”. Tens of chosen best performances for this day- songs and dancing compositions, folklore performances and modern variety melodies, which become a complete colourful narration about the country, where the most cherished children's desires and dreams come true, were performed on the elegantly decorated stage.

Each performance was accompanied by original representation. Sincerity and openness of young talents, sweet songs and incendiary dances did not left indifferent neither adult, nor young spectators. Hundreds of bewitched eyes with inexhaustible enthusiasm and boundless pride, without interruption, watched performances on the stage, welcoming youngest actors with a storm of applause.

Children with their remarkable performances, bewitching spontaneity and warm-heartedness, expressed boundless love for the country, to the President of Turkmenistan and Hero-Arkadag, who presented them with a possibility to display their talents and to carry out dreams. Children sang about friendship, brotherhood, humaneness, peace and happiness to live in our native land.

Development of national music and singing art through popularisation of national and variety songs – the main objective of national children's competition. The program of the present concert included various products, called to display not only all sides of uncommon abilities of contestants, but also riches of Turkmen musical culture.

The gala concert once again showed inexhaustibility of national talents. Pathetic performance of the final song “BIZ WATANYŇ MERJEN DÄNESI” by all participants of the festival and numerous spectators became a bright chord of the holiday.

It was uneasy for members of the jury panel to choose the best. To the unceasing applause of public following the results of performances names of winners of children's song and music competition, in which on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan valuable prizes and diplomas of winners of the competition were awarded, were announced. Each participant of the creative review became owner of memorable gifts, called to inspire him or her into further creative successes, achievements of cherished goal.

Participants of the children's festival “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri” prepared a letter of thanks to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and expressed in their message sincere gratitude for indefatigable care of happy life of the younger generation and assured that they will follow precepts of the head of the state – to study well, to be engage in creativity, develop talents and to bring a worthy contribution to development of their native land and its rich culture.