Ï Decree of the President of Turkmenistan On the appointment and dismissal of judges of the courts of Turkmenistan

Decree of the President of Turkmenistan On the appointment and dismissal of judges of the courts of Turkmenistan

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In accordance with Articles 25 and 54 of the Law of Turkmenistan «On Court» I decide:

appoint Tavus Kakageldiyevna Handurdyyeva as a judge of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan, releasing her from the post of judge of the Babadayhan etrap court of Ahal velayat;

appoint Velmammedov Babajan Gurbangeldiyevich as the chairman of the Ahal velayat court, releasing him from the post of judge of the Ahal velayat court;

appoint Saparov Ahmetyar Komekovich as a judge of the Ahal Velayat Court, introducing him to the Presidium of this court, with his release from the post of judge of the Turkmenbashy City Court of the Balkan Velayat;

appoint Rozyyev Geldimyrat Yoldashovich as deputy chairman of the Dashoguz velayat court;

appoint Babanazarova Guljan Jorakulyyevna as a judge of the Lebap Velayat Court;

appoint Dovletov Ovezmyrat Begmyradovich as a judge of the Karizek etrap court of the city of Arkadag, releasing him from the post of judge of the Kopetdag etrap court of the city of Ashgabat;

appoint Bayryyev Nurgeldi Bekmyradovich as a judge of the Gorjav etrap court of the city of Arkadag;

appoint Annayev Gurbandurdy Orayevich as deputy chairman of the Berkararlyk etrap court of the city of Ashgabat;

appoint Hesenov Jemshit Hesenovich as deputy chairman of the Turkmenbashy city court of the Balkan velayat;

appoint Alovov Dovlet Orazgulyyevich as deputy chairman of the Turkmenabat city court of the Lebap velayat.

President of Turkmenistan,
Supreme Commander
Armed Forces of Turkmenistan
Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Ashgabat, September 6, 2023.