Ï Horizons of inspiration: A personal exhibition by Gulshat Annamuradova

Horizons of inspiration: A personal exhibition by Gulshat Annamuradova

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Horizons of inspiration: A personal exhibition by Gulshat Annamuradova

September 6, 2023 at the State Museum of Fine Arts arts of Turkmenistan opened a personal exhibition of a member Union of Artists of Turkmenistan Gulshat Annamuradova. The painter Gulshat Annamuradova is the author of lyrical-epic landscapes of the Kopetdag foothills and dunes stretching beyond the horizon Karakum desert.

Gulshat received her art education in State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan specialty "Turkmen miniature". Natural ability Gulshat - the ability to see and combine multiple variations of pure local colors, allows her to create the finest tonal and color transitions of various shades. Elongated horizontally, in in most cases, frieze compositions by a young painter with at first glance they resemble the canons of mural painting - frescoes, when the artist tries to maintain the plane of the wall without disturbing front view. But in this case, in the paintings of Gulshat Annamuradova maintained a delicate balance of the frontal composition with a rush deep into the space of the picture. How is this possible when using two or three colors?! The main prerogative of the picturesque Gulshat concept is the maximum use of gradations the same color. The painter creates soft transitions of one color into another, but only at the boundaries of these color planes. Such graceful color tints can be observed on the plane semi-precious stones such as carnelian, onyx and jasper.

Gulshat creates a light-air environment not through mixing colors, and due to the gradual increase or decrease saturation of local transitions. In Gulshat’s painting there is some that fragile charm, but at the same time the power of exquisite harmony in coloristic nuances. The artist loves to paint sunsets and sunrises, loves to write the sunlight that is on paintings as one of the main active objects, with the help which the painter forms contrasts of perspective plans and own impressions inspired by the plot.

There is some kind of transience in the paintings of Gulshat Annamuradova moment that everything that is depicted is not for long, this state is soon will pass. But the gaze returns to the plot again and again, this the state acquires a kind of eternal continuation.

The subtlety of color combinations in Gulshat’s paintings balances on the verge of bright contrasts that arise in the open air. Golden-yellow dunes burn and reflect the burning rays of the midday Sun The clear blue sky is unable to cool the sultry sands of the Karakum Desert, but which the caravans of the Great Silk Road traveled for thousands of years and hordes of conquerors swept by. Everything is in the past, Karakum is everything also remained an irresistible force that continues to dominate time and history.

In the paintings of Gulshat the heat of the desert, huge dunes, which the grooves of the sand waves resort do not have the harsh tension, but on the contrary, the whole plot is filled with poetic mood, and in some paintings somehow special peace.

The coloristic originality of Gulshat’s paintings is based on tactful balance of pure local colors, soaked light transparent shades that soften silhouettes in space.