Ï Preparations continue for the International Conference and Exhibition OGT-2023

Preparations continue for the International Conference and Exhibition OGT-2023

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Preparations continue for the International Conference and Exhibition OGT-2023
Turkmen Forum

Preparations continue for the International Conference and Exhibition «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan – 2023» (OGT-2023), which will be held on October 25-27, 2023 in Ashgabat.

To date, more than 150 delegates from 20 countries have confirmed their participation in the conference. Reputable speakers representing large energy companies and organizations confirmed their speeches, including President of SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Medhat M.Kamal, President of Baker Hughes in Russia and the CIS Elena Akoltseva, President of GHG Sat Stéphane Germain, Director of Dragon Oil Ali Rashid Al Jarwan, CNPC CEO Chen Huailong, ADNOC Vice President Jasper Peijs and other international organizations and energy companies. Also, the head of the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Petroleum Research Department Behrooz Baikalizadeh, as well as the Director of the UN Sustainable Energy Division Dario Liguti, also confirmed their participation in the plenary session of the conference.

The conference will present new investment projects in the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan, further stages of development of the giant Galkynysh field, construction of the TAPI gas pipeline, optimization of oil and gas production at mature fields, development of offshore fields in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea, renewable energy. Special attention will be paid to environmental aspects in the extraction of hydrocarbon resources and reduction of methane emissions.

In addition, an international exhibition will be held within the framework of the conference, in which more than 60 oil and gas and service companies have confirmed their participation. Among them: Honhua, Rosen Group, Sumitomo, Dragon Oil, CNPC, Petronas, Yug-Neftegaz, Tatneft, ENI, Rönesans, Schlumberger, Transneft, Interpipe, Kamaz, and many others.

The novelty of OGT-2023 EXPO will be a presentation area where exhibitor companies will have the opportunity to present their products or services.Presentations on the sidelines of the exhibition will increase the level of awareness of potential partners about new investment projects, as well as expand the range of cooperation.

Sponsorship of OGT-2023 is confirmed by Dragon Oil, CNPC, PEL Limited, Baker Hughes, Yug-Neftegaz, Hyundai Engineering, Mitro International, ENI, Schlumberger.

The Organizing Committee expects participation of a record number of heads of leading international energy companies, heads of international organizations and leading global financial institutions, who will share their experience and discuss regional and global trends affecting the development of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan. Meetings with the senior management of the oil and gas, banking, chemical and energy sectors of Turkmenistan will also be organized within the framework of the conference to further discuss investment opportunities.

The conference will be held both in the traditional and online formats. The Organizing Committee will provide visa support to all registered delegates. Registration for participation in the conference is open until October 16, 2023.

More detailed information on the terms of participation in the conference can be found on the event website.