Ï The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

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The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. Its agenda included results of the work carried out for eight months of the current year, actual tasks of social and economic development of the country and drafts of some documents.

The first floor was given to Chairwoman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova, who informed on results of activity for January-August months of this year on improvement of legislation of the country.

As was informed, for the period under account, 3 meetings were held and 30 laws of Turkmenistan and 36 resolutions of Mejlis were adopted. According to requirements of the Constitutional laws and the international stands necessary changes and additions were made to a number of laws in force.

Along with it, proceeding from goals of programs of social and economic development of the country, members of the working commission in the structure of specialists of the Mejlis and sectoral departments carry out development of the bills connected with the further strengthening of national legal basis.

For eight months of the current year, various meetings were held to expand international and inter-parliamentary relations. National members of the parliament took part in seminars concerning modernisation of legislation activity and also made working visits to a number of foreign states.

Preparation together with the Khalk Maslakhaty, corresponding ministries, sectoral departments, khyakimliks, political parties and public associations for holding the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan dated to the 32nd anniversary of sacred independence of our fatherland became a separate theme of the information.

Participation of deputies in various events for explanation of a historical value of transformations realised in the country and achievements made for years of sovereignty to various strata of society were also informed.

Summing up the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted importance of further perfection of laws according to modern requirements. At the same time, an emphasis on necessity of development of drafts of actual legal acts concerning public life was made.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Kh.Geldimyradov, who took the floor then, reported on macroeconomic indicators for the specified period.

For eight months of this year a stable rate of increase of gross national product, which made up 6, 2 percent, was provided.

As compared to the same period of 2022, the volume of production made was over 6, 3 percent.

Retail goods turnover as compared to the similar period of the past year increased by 9, 6 percent and foreign trade turnover - 2, 5 percent.

For eight months of the current year, the revenue part of the state budget was fulfilled at the level of 112, 6 percent and the expenditure part - 97, 9 percent.

As compared with the same period of 2022 for the considered period the volume of investments, realized at the expense of all sources of financing increased by 10,9 percent.

Within the realisation of the national rural redevelopment program for January-August months of this year construction of different projects was carried out.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that it is necessary to prepare within a given time frame drafts of the state budget and investment program for the next year. Among priorities, further perfection of activity of the bank system was outlined. Importance of adoption of measures on expansion of a spectrum of services rendered by them and increase of solvency of credit institutions in this connection were marked.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Amanov reported on results of work carried out in sectors under his supervision for the last eight months.

In the given context, technical and economic indicators of oil and gas condensate production were reported.

For the specified period "Türkmennebit" State Concern fulfilled its oil production plan by 100,4 percent, oil refining - 100,8 percent, gasoline manufacture - 103,3 percent, diesel fuel - 104,1 percent, lubricant oils - 111,8 percent, liquefied gas - 111,7 percent. Indicators of polypropylene production were also informed.

The plan for extraction of natural and associated gas was fulfilled at the level of 109,3 percent and export of "blue fuel” - 114,4 percent.

During the considered period the indicator of realization of investments at the expense of all sources of financing made up 111, 5 percent.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed him to take necessary measures for maintenance of stability of the financial and economic situation in the oil and gas complex, perfection of its industrial activity, further strengthening of its technical and material basis and maintenance of uninterrupted operation of sectoral facilities at full capacity.

Pointing out to the importance of effective conduction of prospecting and drilling activities in oil and gas deposits, the head of the state also focused attention on diversification of export potential of the fuel and energy complex and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet in this connection corresponding instructions.

In turn, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet T.Atahallyev reported on results of activity of subordinate branches for eight months of the current year and seasonal agricultural work in regions of the country.

By the agro-industrial complex the growth of volumes of output of production as compared with the similar period of the past year made up 104,4 percent, including by the Ministry of Agriculture - 104,6 percent, Ministry of Environmental Protection - 101,4 percent, State Committee for Water Management - 102,3 percent, “Türkmen atlary” State Association - 101,7 percent. The plan for realization of investments was fulfilled by 237,8 percent.

With the blessing of the head of the state in regions, the wheat sowing campaign started well-organized. All efforts with a view of conduction of the given responsible campaign according to agro-technical standards were undertaken. Along with it, preparation for the cotton-picking harvest season was carried out.

It was noted that in velayats care of potato, vegetables and other agricultural crops, rice - in Dashoguz and Lebap, sugar beet - in Mary regions proceeds. Corresponding measures for rational and effective utilisation of water resources and irrigation of cultivated areas were taken. Cleaning of irrigation canals and drainage networks was conducted.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined necessity of wide introduction of advanced experience into practice for increase of fertility of land.

Speaking of improvement of water supply and ameliorative conditions pf fields, the head of the state instructed him to provide timely and appropriate fulfilment of planned actions.

A special emphasis was made on acceleration of course of work for expansion of volumes of reservoirs and wide introduction of water saving methods into practice.

It is necessary to take steps with a view of increase in volumes of cattle-breeding production. It is important to continue work on preparation of necessary quantity of forages for appropriate wintering of cattle, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet a number of concrete instructions.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Annamammedov reported on the work carried out by the construction and industrial complex, "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern, State Agency for Road Construction Management and khyakimlik of Ashgabat city for the January-August period of 2023.

So, during the accounting period the Ministry of Construction and Architecture fulfilled its plan of work by 108 percent.

The Ministry of Industry and Construction Production implemented the plan for output and realisation of work by 109 percent.

For eight months of this year, the Ministry of Energy fulfilled the plan for production, realization of work and rendered services by 113, 8 percent. The rate of increase of manufacture of electric power made up 105, 6 percent, and its export - 101,7 percent.

From the beginning of the current year, by "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern production and services provided made up a total of 1 billion and 533 million manats.

In the January-August period of this year the plan of works and services was executed by the State Agency for Road Construction Management by 102,4 percent, khyakimlik of Ashgabat city - 123,3 percent.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed him to achieve involvement of total power of construction and chemical enterprises for effective utilisation of natural riches of the country, raw materials for industrial and construction manufacture.

Having noted that projects under construction should be commissioned timely and meet by quality high requirements, the head of the state instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to hold this issue under strict control.

Along with it, he was also instructed to intensify road-building activity, construction of modern highways.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet B.Atdayev reported on reached indicators in the subordinate ministries and departments as well as in the private sector for eight months of the current year.

By the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations as compared to the same period of the past year, the growth rate of trade turnover made up 106 percent, productions - 103 percent.

Enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry as compared with the similar period of the past year the volume of manufactured production, including cotton yarn and fabrics, was equal accordingly 102,7 and 106,1 percent, sewing and knitted products - 100,9 percent, leather - 104 percent. For eight months investments in the amount of 439 million 900 thousand manats were realized.

“Türkmenhaly” State Corporation fulfilled its production plan for carpet products at the level of 106,9 percent for the January-August period of the current year.

The State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange for eight months held 199 auctions at which 20114 contracts were registered.

The rate of increase in the work, which was carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the considered period, made up 111, 7 percent. From the beginning of the year, 11 exhibitions and 49 forums were held.

By the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs the growth of volumes of output of agricultural and food production for eight months reached 108,5 percent, industrial goods - 107,1 percent.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that it is necessary to hold under a constant control maintenance of markets and shops of the country with food and other demanded goods. As was underlined, for effective use of available production facilities, it is necessary to increase volumes and types of manufactured goods and rendered services.

At the expense of operation of enterprises of textile industry at full capacity, it is necessary to increase volumes of made products and to raise their quality, the head of Turkmenistan said and gave the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet a number of instructions.

Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova reported on results of work carried out in spheres under her supervision for the January-August period of the current year.

As was informed, within eight months of the year “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar” various conferences, creative meetings, briefings, media forums, exhibitions, agitation and propaganda actions, music and song events were organised. In honour of the 300th birthday anniversary of the great philosopher and poet-classic Makhtumkuli Fragi corresponding actions were carried out and art competitions were announced.

During the considered period within development of international cooperation various events were held. Turkmen experts visited with working visits ten of foreign states where they took part in international cultural actions, festivals, forums, conferences and seminars.

For the purpose of further perfection of cooperation in the given sphere in our country, a number of significant actions were organised.

On the occasion of publication of a new poem “a treasure trove of Makhtumkuli Fragi” by the National Leader of the Turkmen people the forum “Arkadagly döwrüň bardyr, Pyragy” was held in the national music and drama theatre named after Makhtumkuli

In the capital song and music centre "Aşgabat" the final round of television competition of young amateur performers “Ýaňlan, Diýarym!” was held and prizes on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan were awarded for winners.

The first meeting of the Organizing committee for conduction of celebrations and actions at high level in honour of announcement of Anau city as cultural capital of the Turkic world for 2024 was also held.

Besides, in the specified period song and music performances were organized on the occasion of opening of social and cultural projects.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew the attention to importance of maintenance of high level of preparation for celebrations dated to the 32nd anniversary of independence of our fatherland.

Then, the Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet reported on the draft of the Resolution on announcement of the competition “Pähim-paýhas ummany Magtymguly Pyragy” among youth for deep study of rich literary heritage of the great poet-philosopher, encouragement of the youth into creativity, augmentation of glory of Makhtumkuli Fragi. Its results are planned to announce in December 2023. Thereupon for consideration of the head of the state, the draft of the corresponding Resolution was submitted.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted a big importance of the competition “Pähim-paýhas ummany Magtymguly Pyragy” for the youth and instructed her to prepare for it properly. Having signed the submitted Resolution, the head of Turkmenistan sent the document online to the Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet and gave her a number of instructions.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Turkmenistan N.Amannepesov reported on results of the work carried out in spheres under his supervision in the January-August period of the current year.

During the accounting period, being guided by tasks in view, work on education of the well-trained younger generation, perfection of curricula and programs, strengthening of the technical and material basis of the national education system continued.

According to Resolutions of the President of Turkmenistan, construction of complexes of buildings of Turkmen state architecture and construction institute and Turkmen state teachers’ training institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi, an additional educational building of the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan and also a hostel and a sports complex of the higher education establishment started.

Schoolchildren and students actively and successfully participated in international competitions and internet Olympic events.

In commemoration of the year “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar” planned actions, international scientific -practical conferences, meetings were held.

From the beginning of the year steps on further increase of efficiency of scientific research and their introduction in manufacture were undertaken.

In the January-August period realisation of measures on formation of generation of young scientists proceeded, the traditional ceremony of awarding of winners of the competition of scientific works among the youth was held and the Regulations of the scientific-technological centres were approved .

On the occasion of the 300th birthday anniversary of the outstanding Turkmen poet and philosopher Makhtumkuli Fragi scientific-practical conferences, exhibitions, presentations and other actions were also held in the country and abroad. Business trips to three foreign countries from which electronic copies of valuable manuscripts were brought, took place.

Thanks to support from the head of the state international cooperation in the field of preventive maintenance and treatment of diseases actively develops. On the basis of gained experience advanced methods are introduced into applied medicine. The technical and material basis of the national system of public health services becomes stronger.

The national program for ensuring the healthy well being of the population in Turkmenistan for 2023-2028 was approved.

At the expense of funds from the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care operations on young Turkmen nationals and treatment of sick children were performed.

During this period construction of modern establishments of public health services at full speed was conducted.

On July 1 of the current year, the international conference of the public organisation of doctors of Turkmenistan took place.

Work on sports and physical training development was conducted.

According to the Resolution of the head of Turkmenistan the Organizing committee for holding the world kurash championship in Ashgabat was created.

For the accounting period, our compatriots took part in international competitions, having won 136 gold, 145 silver and 209 bronze medals. To the sportsmen who took prize-winning places, gifts were given on behalf of Hero-Arkadag and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov solemnly.

Having heard the report, the head of Turkmenistan noted necessity according to realities of modernity of organisation of activity of scientific -educational institutions, further wide introduction of the digital system in their work and scientific achievements in production.

Among priority tasks are an effective utilisation of profile constructions, active attraction of the youth to physical culture and sports, preparation of professional sportsmen in various sports, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined, having given the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet a number of instructions.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, minister of foreign affairs R.Meredov reported on results of activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the January-August period of the current year.

A corresponding work was carried out for the accounting period with a view of consecutive realisation of foreign policy of independent and neutral fatherland.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made state visits to the People’s Republic of Chinas, the State of Qatar and Republic of Tajikistan, official visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain, working visits to the Azerbaijan Republic, Great Britain, the Russian Federation, China, Republic of Turkiye, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The head of Turkmenistan also took part in the regular Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization that took place in the mode of direct video communication.

During the current year, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the United Arab Emirates, Republic of Turkiye, Federal Republic of Germany, Islamic Republic of Iran and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Visits of Presidents of the Republic of Tajikistan and Republic of Uzbekistan as well as the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Prime Minister of Hungary to our country took place.

The President of Turkmenistan held telephone conversations with heads of several states.

As was marked, inter-parliamentary relations, including with profile international organisations dynamically develop.

Regular visits to Turkmenistan testify to a dynamic character of cooperation with foreign partners of foreign delegations as well as visits of delegations of our country abroad.

During the considered period meetings and negotiations of various levels, including in the online mode were held. The contractual and legal basis of international cooperation of Turkmenistan was filled up with 168 documents.

On a regular basis, contacts at the level of foreign offices are carried out.

With a view of further expansion of foreign economic relations of our fatherland regular meetings of joint Intergovernmental commissions as well as business meetings and other corresponding actions were organised.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that this year a number of important visits, which have become effective steps on the way of strengthening of traditionally friendly interstate relations, promotion of fruitful cooperation in the bilateral and multilateral formats took place.

As the head of the state underlined, more many significant events, including visits abroad, and also celebration of Independence Day of Turkmenistan International Day of Neutrality and others should take place by the end of the year. In this connection, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, head of foreign affairs were given corresponding instructions on preparation for these events at a high organizational level and to ensure a worthy meeting of foreign visitors.

Then, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, minister of foreign affairs reported on results of the working visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan to the French Republic, which took place on September 4-6.

In its frameworks in Paris the meeting with the minister of Europe and foreign affairs of France, in which course exchange of opinions on key issues and bilateral interaction took place and an important role of top-level contacts was marked. The French party underlined the importance of constructive initiatives of neutral Turkmenistan in maintenance of peace and security not only in regional, but also in global dimensions. Following the results of the meeting, the program of cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France for 2024-2026 and the Memorandum of cooperation in the sphere of education were signed.

Interested discussion of possibilities of activization of interstate partnership on a wide spectrum of areas both in a bilateral format, and within the United Nations and other international structures, took place during the meeting of delegation of our country with the diplomatic adviser to the President of France.

Priority aspects of fruitful interaction between Turkmenistan and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization were discussed at the meeting with UNESCO Deputy Director-General. It was noted that evident result of successful long-term cooperation was creation of chairs of UNESCO in higher education institutions of Turkmenistan and inclusion of schools of our country in the network of UNESCO Associated Schools.

Upcoming celebrations in 2024 on the occasion of the 300th birthday anniversary of Makhtumkuli Fragi became a subject of detailed discussion. The interest of the specialised agency of the United Nations in close interaction for inclusion of national Turkmenistan national and transnational nominations in the List of the World Heritage of UNESCO was expressed.

Within the visit to Paris, the meeting of the delegation of Turkmenistan with the Secretary General of the International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) took place. With a view of activization of cooperation with BIE on a systematic basis, the Turkmen side proposed to prepare the draft of a corresponding Road map for 2024-2025.

Besides, the Turkmen-French business forum in which heads of state structures of two countries as well as large French companies took part, was held. The agenda of the meeting included a wide spectrum of issues of mutually beneficial partnership and perspective areas of its further development.

Within the visit, the Cooperation agreement between the State Bank for Foreign Trade Relations of Turkmenistan and the Union de Banques Arabes et Françaises (UBAF) and the Declaration of friendly agreement on twinning between the cities of Arkadag and Maisons-Laffite were signed.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that our country is aimed at development of fruitful interaction equal in rights with all interested states of the world. In the given context, the working visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan to the French Republic showed readiness of the parties for further strengthening of constructive political and diplomatic dialogue, escalating of effective cooperation in trade and economic spheres, in the area of business circles, stimulation of traditional contacts in cultural-humanitarian areas.

At the same time, during the visit again a dynamic and productive character of partnership of our country with authoritative international organisations, including with UNESCO and BIE where are also big possibilities, received its acknowledgment. Speaking of it, the head of Turkmenistan instructed the deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet to continue complex work in the given directions.

Then, the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on preparation for a working visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Tajikistan with a view of participation in the fifth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of the states of Central Asia and in the meeting of heads of states-founders of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) planned for September 14-15.

In this connection, at present, organizational and other corresponding work is carried out. Within the upcoming meetings high level some parallel actions are also planned in Dushanbe.

Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that one of the key vectors of foreign policy of independent neutral fatherland is development of friendship with countries-neighbours in the region.

Turkmenistan actively co-operates with states of Central Asia both in bilateral and multilateral formats, putting forward specific proposals on the further escalating of traditional interaction in its entire spectrum. Having underlined that our country will take henceforth an initiative position in issues of regional partnership, the head of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide a high organizational level of preparation for the upcoming summits in Dushanbe and the actions provided in their frameworks.

Director General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on results of activity of subordinate institutions for eight months of the current year.

For the accounting period the rate of increase on fulfilment of work and services as a whole by the complex made up 123, 8 percent.

For the January-August period of the current year, the rate of increase of cargo transportation by means of automobile, railway, air, sea and river transport reached 106, 2 percent and passenger transportation - 104, 6 percent.

The rate of increase in services for the specified period by "Türkmendemirýollary" Agency was equal to 107,2 percent, Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency - 117,7 percent, "Türkmenhowaýollary" Agency - 245,9 percent, "Türkmendeňizderýaýollary" Agency - 107,1 percent, "Türkmenaragatnaşyk" Agency - 111,8 percent.

The information on the work executed within the limits of realisation “Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025” was also delivered.

Along with it, the course of construction of industrial and social projects in various corners of the country for the transport-communication complex was also informed.

Results of the last meetings of the joint working commissions concerning development of transport-logistical cooperation with foreign countries became a separate theme of the report.

Summing up the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused attention on importance of further increase in of rates of passenger and cargo transportation, high-quality and safe services on internal and external routes of the country. Along with it, it was entrusted to prepare new proposals on increase in directions and quantities of air flights, which are carried out to foreign countries for improvement of conditions for acquisition of air tickets by means of digital system.

It is necessary to make active possibilities of the digital system at accepting of orders for cargo transportation by motor, sea and rail routes as well as for use of full capacity of the international seaport of Turkmenbashi, the head of the state underlined, having given concrete instructions to the head of the Agency.

At the meeting a number of other issues were also considered, the documents aimed at development of various branches were accepted.

Concluding the regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family well-being and big successes in their work for the benefit of our sovereign fatherland.