Ï Independence - a strong basis of the state policy of Turkmenistan

Independence - a strong basis of the state policy of Turkmenistan

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Under a wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, every day of our independent, permanently neutral fatherland is marked by great achievements and glorious events. In Turkmenistan, which is a democratic legal and secular state,  where the human rights guaranteed by provisions of the Constitution and laws of Turkmenistan are protected, at a new stage of development large-scale transformations are carried out.

Thirty two years ago, the Constitutional Act on the independence and state structure of Turkmenistan, according to which, Turkmenistan was proclaimed as an independent democratic state, was adopted.

From the date of obtaining of its independence, our native land has confidently followed towards new heights of development, successfully realising social and economic programs and improving state management.  In our country, consecutive steps are taken to strengthen democratic, legal and secular bases. The constitutional transformations, which have been consistently carried out in our fatherland at the initiative of Hero-Arkadag, have a great significance for protection of the rights and freedoms of human and attraction of various layers of population to administration of state affairs.

The date of the 32nd anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan has a special importance for Turkmen people. Today, in the year “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”, evaluating the changes occurred in the life of the country for years of independence, it is possible to tell with full confidence that every day, every month was  marked by political, economic and cultural events of historical value.

Hero-Arkadag initiated a new model of the home and foreign policy of our independent, permanently neutral fatherland according to the will of Turkmen people. Great transformations started by Hero-Arkadag, visually show to the whole world the wisdom and foresight of the National Leader recognised at the international level. Realisation of large-scale projects for industrial development of Turkmenistan, diversification of delivery of hydro-carbon resources to the foreign market, creation of international transport corridors, joining of our country the ranks of states, which explore the space, transformation of shapes of villages and cities, transformation of the capital into one of the beautiful cities of the world, construction of the city of Arkadag, which is a city of future, consecutive increase of social standard of living of Turkmen people attest to the huge activity of Hero-Arkadag  in interests of our country and population. Now reforms in our country successfully proceed under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Independence has given an opportunity to realise the dream of our ancestors for creation of a sovereign state. For the past period, a strong basis of our democratic legal and secular state has been developed. In the minds, in the cultural and spiritual life of Turkmen nationals there have occurred main changes, the system of absolutely new public relations was established. State independence has allowed reviving the national material and cultural wealth, primordial noble humane traditions transferred from generation to generation, sources of which go back to the depth of millennia. For the past years food independence and security were provided, perfect state structures of management were created. In the state and public life, democratic principles were introduced gradually.

In the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State in our fatherland national traditions of democracy, inherited from our glorious ancestors obtained a worthy continuation. In the year “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar” at the initiative of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov a new impulse was given to democratic reforms. Creation of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan – a higher representative body of people's power – testifies to it fully. 

As a result of the constitutional transformations, which were carried out in the legislative system of the country, creation of the unicameral parliament became a significant step on the path of all-around development of Turkmenistan, maintenance of state guarantees for protection of the human rights and freedoms, development of democracy, people's power in all spheres of society.

A guaranteed active participation of representatives of all layers of population in the government also creates ample opportunities for perfection of legislative activity according to the world experience. At present, preparation for the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan in honour of the 32nd anniversary of sacred independence of our native land is carried out. At the meeting, along with important issues of state life, successes and the boundaries reached for 32 years of sovereignty, basic areas of the internal and foreign policy of Turkmenistan will be discussed.

At the meeting of the Presidium of the Khalk Maslakhaty, which has taken place recently under the leadership of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty issues of preparation for celebration of the significant date and the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty were considered. At the same time, ways of realisation of the tasks put by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers were discussed. During the meeting of the Presidium of the Khalk Maslakhaty at the initiative of Hero-Arkadag the Organizing committee on convocation and conduction of the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan at high level was created and its structure was approved, date of conduction of the meeting was defined, the procedure for nominating public representatives from the Khalk Maslakhaty bodies in velayats and Ashgabat city for the structure of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan was approved. Hero-Arkadag, having signed corresponding documents, including the provisions of the Council of Elders of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan and its structure, gave an official start to the work connected with conduction of the forthcoming national forum at high level.

Considering the fact that steady and harmonious development of any state is inseparably linked with development of science and education, in our country great attention is given to perfection of the activity in these important areas. Following the developed noble tradition, this year on Day of Knowledge and Student Youth in the city of Arkadag and in velayats numerous new educational establishments, including kindergartens, general high schools and teaching and educational complexes were put in operation, stone-laying ceremonies of buildings of the Turkmen state teachers training institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi in the city of Turkmenabat and in the territory of the State energy institute of Turkmenistan in the city of Mary - the new additional educational complex, a hostel, a sports construction and a monument on the ring road took place.

Participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the stone-laying ceremony of a complex of new buildings of the Turkmen state architecture and construction institute as well as in celebrations on the occasion of the opening of the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annayev, Pedagogical Secondary Vocational School named after Berdimuhamed Annayev, Medical Secondary Vocational School named after Sachly Dursunova, a complex of new buildings of the Academy of Civil Service at the President of Turkmenistan, conduction of a general lesson by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov devoted to education of the younger generation in the spirit of respect for the glorious history of Turkmen, national values, traditions, loyalty to our Native land, our courageous people in the Rukhyet palace of the city of Arkadag, increased the importance of Day of Knowledge and Student Youth widely marked in the country.

The awarding of the International Academy of Horse Breeding named after Aba Annayev an  Honourable Certificate of the Eurasian Association of Equestrian Sport for creation the first international academy of the region in Turkmenistan, preparing highly skilled experts for horse breeding and equestrian sports and the Certificate of the Asian Federation of Equestrian Sport - as first international academy of horse breeding and equestrian sport in the region, possessing the best possibilities and advantages in preparation of highly skilled specialists, Civil Service Academy at the President of Turkmenistan - the University Certificate “DUISBURG ESSEN” of the Federal Republic of Germany for the best architecture and the Fraunhofer Institute of Energy Economics and Technology of Energy Systems (Germany) for introduction steady and high technologies, and also corresponding certificates to a number of comprehensive schools, Associated schools of UNESCO included in the network - a recognition of visual evidence at the international level of the activity carried out in our country.

Approval of the Strategy of international cooperation of the youth of Turkmenistan for 2023-2030 with the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan in June of the current year became one of the complex actions realised for strengthening of the role young Turkmen nationals in modern society. Recent admission of the Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan named after Makhtumkuli into official members of UNESCO Global Youth Community also speaks of another evidence of recognition of merits of our country in expansion of the international dialogue of the youth.

Unanimous adoption of the decision of the  Executive Council of UNESCO on inclusion of a collection of manuscripts of Makhtumkuli Fragi in the International List “Memory of the world” of this Organization and also support of the proposal on inclusion of Day of celebration of the 300th birthday  anniversary of the great Turkmen poet-philosopher in  the List of memorial dates of UNESCO, unanimous adoption of decision of the International Organisation of Turkic culture (TURKSOY) on announcement of 2024 as “Year of the great poet and philosopher of the Turkic world - Makhtumkuli Fragi” show success of the international cultural diplomacy pursued by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Protection of the rights and freedoms of the youth is one of the primary goals of the national parliament. The activity carried out for perfection of legislation connected with the youth policy, consistently proceeds during the new historical period. In the given context, adoption of a new edition of the Law of Turkmenistan “On the state youth policy” at the initiative of Hero-Arkadag has a huge significance.

According to the principle “state - for people” put forward by Hero-Arkadag reforms realized in our country are aimed at achievement of peace and safe life of Turkmen people. The main task of the internal and foreign policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is to ensure proper care of Turkmen nationals. Realisation of the ideology based on postulates “The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people! The state is a state only with the people!”, well-founded science and practice, shows successful continuation of this activity.

In March of this year elections of deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan of the seventh convocation, become an important event in the political life of the country. Elections were held in the atmosphere of publicity, openness and on a wide alternative and democratic basis, becoming a new step on the way of development of traditions of democracy, to which our people throughout all history have been attached. In the new structure of the Mejlis - representatives of three parties operating in our country: Democratic Party, Agrarian Party, Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.

From 125 deputies of the Mejlis 32 - women that makes up 26 percent of the total number of members of the parliament, almost 40 percent of deputies are under 40. It testifies to an increasing role of the youth and women in Turkmen society.

At the initiative of Hero-Arkadag and efforts of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov all conditions for maintenance of security, constructive labour of our native people are created. In the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, ample opportunities for fruitful work and improvement of social living conditions of members of the parliament are created. The opening of an apartment house for deputies of the Mejlis in the city of Ashgabat this year with participation of the National Leader of the Turkmen people also attests to this fact.

At present, deputies according to the Program of social and economic development of the country for 2022-2052 actively participate in the decision of important tasks on maintenance of legislative basis of realisation of national programs. During the current year in the legislative activity a special place is given to perfection of legislation and its norms in such areas as protection of the rights and freedom of the person, social and youth policy, economy, science, education, culture, digital system, preservation of the environment, wildlife management and agriculture, foreign policy, work of bodies of local representative power and local government, election process. The primary goal is preparation of the bills answering to the spirit of the era, development of national legislation into a new level. Thus, a great significance is given to successful achievement of the purposes put by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov before deputies at the first session of the Mejlis of the seventh convocation as well as National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the session of the Khalk Maslakhaty held on April 20, 2023.

At the new stage of development of the country “Constitutional laws of Turkmenistan on amendments and additions to the Constitution of Turkmenistan, Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Laws of Turkmenistan on the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, accession to the International Convention on the Harmonized System for the Description and Coding of Goods, adopted in the city of Brussels and amended by the Amendment Protocol, the city of Arkadag, ratification  of agreements between the Government of Turkmenistan, the Government of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Government of the Republic of Turkiye on trade and economic cooperation, protection of the right on topology on integrated microcircuits were adopted.

The laws adopted according to the Constitution of Turkmenistan, create ample opportunities for maintenance of the political, economic and social rights of citizens of the country, realisation of the rights of each person for life and freedom, family, improvement of living conditions, work, rest, education, science.

The primary goal in strengthening and modernisation of national legal basis is development of the laws aimed at coordination of interests of the state and society, each person.

An overall objective of the policy started by Hero-Arkadag and continued by Arkadagly Serdar is perfection of legislation of the country, introduction of advanced world experience of law-making, assistance in issues of public and state life on the basis of necessary decisions and creation of steady political institutes.

Turkmenistan maintains bilateral and multilateral relations with world countries, the authoritative international organisations. Joint large international projects, creative initiatives are realised. Joining of our country international documents and strengthening of contract-legal basis first of all promotes development of productive partnership with all interested parties.

As a result of support of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan is a full member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

The parliamentary diplomacy of Turkmenistan is successfully realised according to the status of neutrality of our country and the Concept of foreign policy of Turkmenistan for 2017-2023. It is carried out by adjustment of relations with parliaments of foreign countries on a bilateral and multilateral basis, participation in work of the international inter-parliamentary organisations and assemblies, creations of groups of inter-parliamentary friendship, conduction of joint actions. It is the important tool and one of the key factors of foreign policy, including practical realisation of international initiatives of our neutral state. In the given context,  it is necessary to note active implementation of new philosophy of the international relations of Hero-Arkadag “Dialogue - a guarantee of peace” .

It is important to underline that between the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and parliaments of 48 states of the world groups of friendship operate for the purpose of further expansion of relations, increases of the international authority of our country, acquaintance of world community with the home and foreign policy of our independent, permanently neutral fatherland and its successes in various areas, exchange of the best practices of legislative activities.

Besides, deputies take active part in inter-parliamentary forums, give to their colleagues from other states trustworthy information about political in our country political and economic transformations and acquaint them with our position on actual issues of the present.

Discussion of tasks of development of parliamentary diplomacy of neutral Turkmenistan at the Inter-parliamentary forum of states of Central Asia and the Russian Federation, held in Ashgabat at the initiative of Hero-Arkadag, displayed a strong basis of all-around development of parliamentary relations. Achievement of agreement on creation of the Secretariat of the Forum in the Turkmen capital as constantly operating platform, adoption of the Ashgabat Declaration – attest to efficiency of activity carried out in the field.

The meeting of heads of parliaments “The role of members of parliaments in international peace and trust strengthening”, which took place in Turkmenistan and adoption of its final document became an important step on the way of development of relations in this direction.

The holding of the Central Asian regional conference “The role of neutral states in strengthening security, stability and dialogue within the OSCE” by the Mejlis of Turkmenistan in 2023 together with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe testifies that activity in this area assumes a consecutive character. With a view of productive use of possibilities of inter-parliamentary diplomacy in further advancement of cooperation in various directions, meetings and consultations between parliaments of countries of the world are held.

Online participation of Hero-Arkadag  in the Youth inter-parliamentary forum of states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, taken place under the motto “Young members of parliaments – a look into the future of the Commonwealth” and his speech promoted the strengthening of traditional cooperation between members of parliaments, creation of new political and legal basis for expansion of positive interstate relations.

At the initiative of Hero-Arkadag in December 2020, the Dialogue of women of states of Central Asia was created. In August 2021, in the Avaza national tourist zone the Dialogue of women of states of Central Asia was held within the Consultative meeting of heads of states of Central Asia. In 2022, Turkmenistan presided in the Dialogue of women and held a number of events in its frameworks. Adoption of the Declaration of the Dialogue of women of states of Central Asia and the Russian Federation “The role of women in political and social and economic development” as document of the 76th session of The General Assembly of the United Nations at the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – speaks of active efforts undertaken by our country in the given direction.

In the year of the 32nd anniversary of independence of our fatherland at the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization will be presented priorities of the position of Turkmenistan. New initiatives of our country are aimed at further deepening of productive dialogue on key aspects of general development including political and diplomatic, energy, ecological and humanitarian issues.

With a view of expansion of activity of the Dialogue of women of Central Asian countries, the Turkmen party acts with initiatives on development of cooperation in the field. It is proposed to create together with corresponding bodies of the United Nations mechanisms of consultations of the dialogue of women on a regular basis on realisation of the global agenda “Women, peace and security” as well as create a platform for information interchange and experience and joint actions and forums.

For assistance of development of the all-round dialogue between the youth of the regional countries this year in Turkmenistan it is proposed to hold the constituent session of the Forum of the youth of the Central Asian countries that confirms adherence of our independent neutral state to expansion of cooperation within the authoritative international organisations in multilateral and bilateral formats.