Ï A rapid development of the industrial and construction complex

A rapid development of the industrial and construction complex

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A rapid development of the industrial and construction complex

In the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, our fatherland under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov confidently following the course of progress and well-being, has turned into a stably developing state. The successes of the country reached for years of independence, its ever-growing international authority, powerful economy and high social level of citizens - all this speaks of indisputable truth recognised at the world level.

The national industrial and construction complex also experiences a rapid development together with other branches. In the epoch, when large-scale transformations and undertakings of international significance initiated by Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov successfully proceed, our people lead a happy and peaceful life. Under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, our country confidently moves towards new heights of progress under the motto “The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people! The state is a state only with the people!”

These days our compatriots are going to mark widely the 32nd anniversary of sacred independence of our fatherland. For years of its sovereignty a great deal of work has been carried out in innovative development and diversification of the industrial and construction complex and considerable successes have been reached in the strengthening of the national economy. The particular attention is attached to increase of competitiveness and expansion of assortment of building materials, strengthening of scientific and technical basis of the sector and introduction of effective tools of management in it.

The opening of the first stage of the city of Arkadag on June 29, 2023 became a significant event in the history of not only the national, but also world town-planning. In the territory of the new city constructed at the initiative of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, according to the concept “smart city”, 336 social and cultural projects were implemented. Among them – “Rukhyet” palace, building of the khyakimlik of Arkadag city, office buildings of various departments, state drama theatre named after Aman Gulmammedov, hotel "Märkaw", state horse circus named after Gorogly, professional secondary educational institutions, library named after Dovletmammet Azady, stadium for 10 thousand spectators, multifunctional sport complex and sports centre, multidisciplinary hospital for 350 beds, oncology centre for 150 beds, centre for protection of maternity and child for 150 beds, "First aid" centre, health house, children's health and rehabilitation centre named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and others. Non-polluting materials were applied and best traditions of national architecture and modern trends in the field of decor were harmoniously used in construction of projects. For the purpose of maintenance of population with housing 258 two, five, seven and nine-storey residential houses, a complex of social and other projects, including kindergartens, schools, other specialised educational institutions, establishments of spheres of public health services, culture, trade, services, sports projects, office buildings were constructed.

In Ashgabat about 90 modern apartment houses, including 73 two-storey cottages in Choganly residential area, 14 four-storey houses in Buzmeyin etrap, 2 nine-storey houses in Parahat residential area were put into operation. 4 four-storey houses in the territory of Makhtumkuli peasant association in Ak bugday etrap of Akhal velayat, 2 four-storey houses in Mary city and 1 four-storey house in Bayramaly city of Mary velayat were constructed and put into operation.

A complex of hangars in the international airport of Ashgabat, a horse-breeding complex of law enforcement bodies of Turkmenistan for 500 horses in Ak bugday etrap of Akhal velayat, an office building of the regional state notary's office and regional department of collegium of advocates of Balkan velayat, three military units in Balkanabat city, office buildings of the police department in Gubadag city of Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat and in Tagtabazar etrap of Mary velayat, buildings of drugstores in Mary city of Mary velayat and Kerki city of Kerki etrap of Lebap velayat were put into operation.

On September 1, 2023, Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, in Arkadag city a solemn opening of modern educational institutions - International academy of horse breeding named after Aba Annayev, pedagogical secondary vocational school named after Berdimuhamed Annayev, medical secondary vocational school named after Sachly Dursunova, specialized school of arts named after Sahy Jepbarov, children's school of arts named after Shukur bagshy, specialised teaching and educational complexes including school and preschool departments for 320 and 720 children, nine kindergartens took place. The same day in the capital, a solemn opening ceremony of a new complex of buildings of the Academy of civil service under the President of Turkmenistan was held. A stone-laying ceremony of a new complex of buildings of the Turkmen state architecture and construction institute in Ashgabat, Turkmen state teachers training institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi in Turkmenabat city, additional educational building in the territory of the State energy institute in Mary city took place. In Akhal velayat high schools for 960 children in Akdepe village of Bäherden etrap, for 600 children in Berkarar village Kichi aga gengeshlik of Sarah etrap as well as three schools in Kaka etrap: for 400 children in Govshut village, for 600 children in Shukur bagshy village, for 400 children in Garahan village were put into operation. Besides it, a kindergarten for 320 children was opened in Tejen city.

In addition to it, on the first day of the new academic year, new secondary schools for 320 children in Gyzylbayir village of Etrek etrap of Balkan velayat as well as for 600 children in Sakar city of Sayat etrap, for 960 children in Farab city and for 600 children in Gyzylyap village of Zerger gengeshlik of Charjev etrap, for 500 children in Seydi city of Danev etrap, for 500 children in Akyap village of Esenmengli gengeshlik of Khalach etrap, for 790 children each in Koytendag city and Megejik gengeshlik of Koytendag etrap, for 210 children in Daykhan village of Burguchy gengeshlik of the same etrap were put into operation under solemn conditions.

The opening of a kindergarten for 160 children in Govak gengeshlik of Kerki etrap of Lebap velayat, secondary schools for 900 children in Bori village of Gyzylgum gengeshlik of Sakarchage etrap and for 960 children in Soyunalybeden village of Agzybirlik gengeshlik of Yoloten etrap of Mary velayat, a kindergarten for 320 children in Gokje residential area of Mary city also took place.

Today, tasks of modernisation of the construction sector, creation of new enterprises, which manufacture building materials, increase in volumes of release of import replacing goods and introduction of innovative technologies in manufacture are successfully solved.

As known, manufacture of cement is an important area of national industry. At present, "Bäherden", “Balkan” and “Lebap” cement factories of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production produce various marks of Portland cement, corresponding to the world standards. At “Türkmen aýna önümleri” enterprise 1 million square metres of tinted glass, 100 thousand square metres of laminated glass and 300 thousand square metres of tempered glass and 400 thousand square metres of double-glazed windows are manufactured. Besides it, there tempered glass on the float technology is produced as well. The building of an additional shop for manufacture of 100 tons of glass production a day is carried out in Gokdepe etrap of Akhal velayat.

At "Türkmendemirönümleri" state enterprise with an annual capacity of 60 thousand tons of production construction bars of various sizes are manufactured. "Demirbetonönümleri", “Demirbetonkonstruksiýa “ enterprises make panel materials and reinforced concrete structures, facing plates and floor slabs, landing platforms, lighting and reinforced concrete poles. At Yashlyk claydite factory, claydite for roofs of buildings is manufactured.

The non-metallic materials produced in quarry managements and economies of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production, are widely applied at building sites of the country. Pipes of various diameters and additional devices used in pipeline laying, flexible protections, disposable plastic containers, glasses and other polymeric production are produced at “Polimer önümleri” factory.

For the purpose of creation of electronic industry of the country, manufacture of electronic and electro-technical production was adjusted in the branch. “Aýdyň Gijeler” economic society, created together with the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production, lets out various competitive electronic products. Among them - devices of illumination of highways, learning computers for children, laptops, smart TVs "Zemin", “Tolkun” and “Älem”, push-button telephones “Körpe”, smart phones "Milli", mono blocks “Şowly”, household conditioners "Mylaýym", coolers “Teşne”, routers “Uçgun” and tablets “Aýtab”. Manufacture of plastic cards, including bank, identification, SIM cards and others was also adjusted there. Besides it, the enterprise makes aluminium floor lamps and lighting poles, preparation for manufacture of LED traffic signs and lanterns is also carried out. This year the enterprise made more than 76 thousand computers "Bilimli", which were presented to first-formers on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan and Hero-Arkadag.

“Senagat tehnologiýalary” open end joint stock association created with assistance of “Nebitmaş” state enterprise of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production and "Algap» individual enterprise, the sample of basalt fibre for manufacture of composite reinforcement, which replaces steel reinforcement was received. Manufacture of fibre glass from glass waste was adjusted there as well. At present, manufacture of composite reinforcement from received fibreglass is under development.

In the Koytendag quarry management manufacture of dry building mix for tile and ceramics packing started and with assistance of the Balkan quarry management “Türkmen kaolin” open end joint stock association was created, at “Demir mehaniki” enterprise manufacture of underground fire-prevention hydrants was adjusted.

At present, the building of cement factories with an annual designed capacity of 1 million tons each continues in Bäherden etrap of Akhal velayat and Koytendag etrap of Lebap velayat. The construction of a factory for manufacture of 3,3 million square metre of ceramic tile and 120 thousand units of sanitary faience products a year in Bäherden etrap is carried out as well.

For years of independence, a large-scale work was carried out for building power stations in all regions of the country, increase in capacities of developed energy, reconstruction and laying of many thousand kilometres of transmission lines. Now on the basis of the Department of Energy 12 state power stations with a general capacity 6943,2 MW, 7 production associations of electric system, a higher educational institution, professional secondary educational institution, thousand kilometres of overhead power lines and construction enterprises for their laying function.

With a view of increase in volumes of produced electric power and modernisation of the enterprise at Buzmeyin state power station gas turbines of famous American company “General electric” were established, for uninterrupted maintenance of Dashoguz velayat with electric power "Serdar" power station with a capacity of 500 kV was built. Besides it, the Balkanabat state power station with three gas turbines with a general capacity 126,4 MW was put into operation. Ashgabat and Dashoguz state power stations were also put into operation. For maintenance of planned repair and service of the power equipment in July 2022 with assistance of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in Buzmeyin etrap of the capital the centre for repair and service of power equipment was solemnly opened.

Besides it, with a view of successful promotion of power diplomacy of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for expansion of routes and increase in volumes of delivery of Turkmen electric power as well as adjustment of cooperation with neighbouring countries in the field of electric power industry in February, 2020 realisation of the project for construction of the Turkmen sector of high-voltage transmission line Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan started.

In August 2021, the building of the power station and double circuit power transmission line with a capacity of 220 kV from Mary state power station to the Turkmen-Afghani border in the extent of 265 kilometres was finished.

With a view of creation of a ring power supply system of the country by Hero-Arkadag the building of substations and high-voltage overhead transmission lines along highways Akhal-Balkan, Balkan-Dashoguz and Akhal-Mary was initiated. In 2021, the part of the given ring power supply system Akhal-Balkan was placed in operation. At present, sites of Balkan-Dashoguz and Akhal-Mary ring system civil and erection works, which is planned to finish by the end of 2023 are carried out. In Kyzyl-Arvat etrap of Balkan velayat construction of a universal power station with a capacity 10 MW also carried out and in the territory of Balkan velayat – a combined power station with a capacity of 1574 MW and necessary systems of electricity transmission to the general power supply system is carried out.

Turkmenistan takes very responsibly approaches to issues of preservation of the environment in the power sphere. With a view of maintenance of safe and uninterrupted electrical supply of modern social projects and constructions, industrial complexes erected in the country, innovative projects for manufacture of electric power with use of renewed energy sources, in particular, solar and wind are developed.

According to the corresponding Resolution of the head of the state, in Kyzyl-Arvat etrap of Balkan velayat the building of the first multifunctional solar and wind power station with a capacity of 10 MW started. The infrastructural project will make non-polluting energy, providing a reliable and uninterrupted electrical supply of settlements, which will be created around the “Altyn asyr”Turkmen lake”.

Today, it is impossible to present everyday life of people, economic development of the state without chemical production. Considering important tasks facing the branch, "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern, which comprises modern enterprises of chemical industry, complex measures are realised to build large modern manufactures and modernise the existing ones.

In this sphere, the special attention is given to expansion of release of mineral fertilizers. Huge stocks of natural gas of our country helped creation of new capacities for manufacture of nitric fertilizers, in particular, urea. Now as a part of the State Concern three factories for ammonia and urea operate: “Tejenkarbamid”, “Marykarbamid” and “Garabogazkarbamid”. At these factories in manufacture of ammonia and urea, high and non-polluting technologies are used, high-quality urea fertilizers corresponding to the world standards are regularly delivered to both foreign countries and domestic agricultural manufacturers.

"Maryazot" production association makes ammonium nitrate fertilizer, which enjoys a great demand of agricultural manufacturers of the country. The Garlyk potash mountain-ore complex making potash fertilizers, which are in great demand on the world market was constructed and placed into operation. As for phosphoric fertilizers, the chemical plant in Turkmenabat is the unique enterprise, which produces ammonium superphosphate fertilizers necessary for agriculture. On the basis of this enterprise a new factory for manufacture of sulphuric acid was constructed and placed into operation.

Along with release of mineral fertilizers manufacture of iodine, bromine and bromic production at the expense of development of hydro mineral resources of the country, in particular, the gulf of Garabogazkol is planned. With that end in view at "Balkanabat" and “Bereket” factories in Balkan velayat production of iodine was adjusted. At "Guwlyduz" factory iodized table salt, which is daily used by population and technical salt for industrial purposes is made. At present, it is planned to increase volumes of output of grain salt extracted from the Guwly lake and at the expense of it to raise manufacture of high-quality table salt, using it as raw materials in development of calcined and caustic soda, which are widely applied in national economy.

Lately in the country, a large-scale work is carried out for development of road building, creation of new international transport corridors, and increase in volumes of cargo and passenger transportation. Thanks to undertaken measures, the road and transport infrastructure is modernised, on the basis of high technologies new highways and bridges are constructed.

With a view of increase of efficiency of work in the given sphere and further modernisation of system of road building according to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan in February, 2022 the State Agency for Roads Construction Management was established.

At present, subordinate institutions and enterprises of road building of the State Agency for Roads Construction Management, conduct work on construction of highways of Turkmenbashi-Farab and Ashgabad-Kara Kum-Dashoguz with a general extent of 1676 kilometres. With a view of maintenance of international level transit passenger and cargo transportation the construction of Ashgabad-Tejen section of the high-speed highway Ashgabad-Turkmenabat with an extent of 600 kilometres was finished. A solemn opening ceremony of the highway took place on October 29, 2021. Construction of the highway Turkmenbashi-Garabogaz-border of Kazakhstan with an extent of 252 kilometres, Turkmenabat-Gazojak-Dashoguz with an extent of 544 kilometres, Mary-Serhetabat with an extent of 330 kilometres, Gumdag-Esenguly-Etrek-Gudrolum with a extent of 307 kilometres is also planned.

On August 8, 2022, a stone laying ceremony of the base of the new automobile bridge through the gulf of Garabogazkol along the highway Turkmenbashi-Garabogaz-border of Kazakhstan took place. It is planned that the construction of the two-way road bridge with an extent of 354 metres and width of 21 metres will be finished in 2024.

As a result of radical transformations our white marble coated capital confidently assures recognition of its status as one of the most beautiful and comfortable for residing cities of the world. Development of Ashgabat, perfection of its infrastructure based upon long-term prospect acts among key vectors of the innovative town-planning policy pursued by the head of Turkmenistan.

As is underlined in the book of Hero-Arkadag “My white city Ashgabad”, today our capital is the political, economic, intellectual and cultural centre of the country. Along with that, whiter marble-coated Ashgabat becomes even more beautiful and exemplary city for residing, it turns into a modern megacity. It is reflected in trouble-free work of all life-support systems and its external shape.

Transformation of Ashgabad into a blossoming garden is inseparably linked with issues of introduction of modern tools and methods of improvement of influence on environment, as well as advanced world expertise. Today these issues are in the centre of attention of all world community. On May 1, 2020, Ashgabat became a member of the World Tourism Cities Federation that opens before the capital new possibilities for development and expansion of various tourist destinations.

In April 2022, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe awarded the city of Ashgabat with an International Certificate in recognition of the pledge to the Trees in Cities Challenge.

At present, proper work is carried out to include Ashgabat into the creative network of cities of UNESCO. In 2022, the measures connected with inclusion of Ashgabad in the Global network of creative cities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in the "Design" category, in which frameworks in the capital the Ashgabad forum of "Design -2022" and international exhibition “Design without borders” took place, were carried out.

In 2024, the 300th birthday anniversary of the great Turkmen poet and philosopher Makhtumkuli Fragi will be widely marked. The opening of the cultural-park complex of Makhtumkuli Fragi erected in the southern part of Ashgabad next year will become an original start of large-scale celebration on the occasion of the significant date. The height of the sculpture of the poet makes up 60 metres and a total area of the monumental complex - 76 hectares. There fountains, recreation zones, canopies and car lots are provided.

As a whole, the industrial and construction complex of Turkmenistan meets the 32nd anniversary of independence of the country with worthy labour victories. And at the heart of high achievements - indefatigable efforts of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.


Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.