Ï Dashoguz Cotton Growers Have Started Harvesting

Dashoguz Cotton Growers Have Started Harvesting

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Dashoguz Cotton Growers Have Started Harvesting

Today, taking into account soil and climatic conditions, farmers of Dashoguz velayat have joined the 2023-Cotton Harvest. At the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on August 31, the head of state, having given his blessing to the collection of “white gold”, addressed the venerable elders with a request to launch traditionally with the words “Bismilla!” an important campaign.

This season, 580 thousand hectares of acreage have been allocated for cotton in the country, which in the spring were sown with such varieties as “Yolöten-7”, “Yolöten-39”, “Jeýhun”, “S-2606”, “Daşoguz-120”, “Gubadag-3”, “149-F”, “Tolöten-14”.

It should be noted that the use of an extensive fleet of specialized high-performance equipment promotes maintaining high rates of cotton harvesting. New machines regularly arrive in the country for the needs of the agro-industrial complex, which undergo preliminary tests in local conditions. Therefore, in a responsible campaign in the north of the country, modern combines of the John Deere brand, a large number of cargo vehicles for the transportation of crops will be involved.

Conditions have been created everywhere for round-the-clock maintenance of operated equipment, work and full rest of machine operators and other participants of the harvesting campaign.

Reception points and cotton gins are fully prepared. The quality of the delivered raw materials in laboratories equipped with advanced technology is checked by specialists of the Türkmenstandartlary Main State Service.

At the same time, a working meeting was held in the velayat, where the tasks of organizing this important campaign and the coordinated interaction of the relevant services were discussed.

The elders offered a prayer to the Almighty for the prosperity of the Homeland, the well-being of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the entire Turkmen people, blessing the beginning of the cotton harvest with the words “Harmanyňyza bereket!” (“Let the harvest be heavy!”).

Today, the first caravan of cars and tractors with trailers decorated with State flags and banners, loaded to the top with “white gold”, arrived at the reception points and cotton gin enterprises of the Dashoguz region.

The event was attended by the heads of the Velayat and Etrap Khyakimliks, Daykhan Associations, as well as representatives of public organizations, agricultural scientists, experienced agronomists, combine harvesters, drivers and tenants-cotton growers.

On the occasion of the beginning of the cotton harvesting campaign, it was organized an exhibition of agricultural machinery and products manufactured by the regional agro-industrial complex. A bright concert program was prepared by artists and dance and folklore groups of the velayat.