Ï Trade complex: new successes, innovative technologies and modern services

Trade complex: new successes, innovative technologies and modern services

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In the period of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, the trade complex, which occupies a leading position in the domestic and foreign economic policies of Turkmenistan, has become one of the rapidly developing sectors of the national economy. Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov successfully continues the initiatives of the Hero Arkadag on the comprehensive development of the trading system in Turkmenistan, which is a priority of the state socio-economic policy aimed at the prosperity of the people.

Expanding trade and economic relations with countries of the world, increasing the production of import-substituting goods, strengthening the country’s food security, improving trade services, and meeting the needs of the population for consumer goods are the main objectives of the trade complex.

Thanks to the support of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan, in cooperation with domestic producers, and, if necessary, with foreign partners, carries out daily work in order to meet the population’s demand for essential products and create an abundance of goods. The constantly growing amount of trade turnover in the country’s domestic market indicates an improvement in the people’s wellbeing and standard of living.

Today, modern digital technologies are widely introduced into the national trading system, aimed at managing retail and wholesale trade and improving customer service.

A special importance in the programs adopted during the years of independence is attached to the objectives of expanding the country’s trade opportunities and increasing its export capacity. In this regard, the development of trade relations is among the priorities of our state’s foreign policy, with a particular focus on cooperation with the World Trade Organization.

Turkmenistan’s participation in the World Trade Organization as an observer plays a major role in creating favorable conditions for upgrading the national economy as the first step towards membership in this Organization.

Turkmenistan’s accession to WTO covers the country’s long-term interests in the implementation of large-scale socio-economic programs and projects aimed at improving the system of trade and services.

Membership in this prestigious Organization will open up new ways for Turkmenistan and create broad opportunities for increasing competitiveness in world markets, which will contribute to the diversification and development of the domestic trading system.

Another important event in the activities in this area is the launch by the International Trade Center with the support from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of our country of the Trade Information Portal of Turkmenistan in April of this year during the Exhibition of Achievements of the Trade Complex of Turkmenistan. The opening of this Portal will facilitate digital access to cross-border trade transactions for five Central Asian countries - Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

As a result of successfully implemented programs, the system of trade and services is diversified, fundamental reforms are carried out and innovations are widely introduced in all sectors. Along with other areas, the trade complex is also reformed in accordance with modern requirements, for the development of which huge investments are made.

This is clearly obvious from the construction and commissioning of a number of retail facilities as part of the first stage of the Arkadag city development. An example in this regard is the shopping complex, built against order of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan, which is a ponderable contribution to the beautiful architectural look of the city of Arkadag, where all conditions have been created for the provision of high-quality trade services, comfortable recreation for the population and guests of the city.

In the period of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, thanks to the enormous efforts of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, large-scale reforms are also carried out in the textile industry. As a result of work under way in this area to create innovative and technological production, the manufacture of competitive textile products based on local raw materials is increasing. Textile industry enterprises, in particular cotton spinning, weaving, and tanning plants, make a significant contribution to development of the country’s national economic complex. The increase in core production capacity is aimed at both increasing production and improving the quality of domestic goods, expanding their range, strengthening the position of our environmentally friendly, competitive products not only in the domestic but also in the foreign market.

During the years of independence, a lot of work has been done and encouraging results have been achieved in the industry. Today, products of the brands such as “Gala”, “Ýeňiş”, “ADT”, “Goza”, “Wada”, “Nusaý”, “Bedew”, “Bürgüt”, “Arwana”, “Miras”, “Şypaly”, “Şapak”, “Eýjejik”, “Akpamyk”, “Merw”, “Jeýtun” and “Mäne” are in great demand among domestic and foreign buyers.

The State Commodities and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan, which performs the duties of regulating export-import operations, plays an important role in the development of the country’s foreign trade turnover. In order to improve its performance in accordance with the requirements of the time, the Exchange is working to strengthen its material and technical resources, introduce electronic technologies, expand the types of services provided and ensure accessibility thereof.

The activities of the State Commodities and Raw Materials Exchange are aimed at increasing and accelerating trade turnover, and the growth of the country’s export capabilities, providing the domestic market with consumer, industrial and technical goods, products and equipment for upgrading various sectors of the economy are its strategic mission. Goods produced in our country are exported through exchange trading to dozens of countries around the world.

The respect of our Hero-Arkadag and the President of Turkmenistan for the national heritage contributed to the achievement of great success in the carpet weaving art. Turkmen carpets are famous all over the world for the unsurpassed beauty and high quality. The main objectives of the State Association “Türkmenhaly” include the production of Turkmen carpets and handmade carpet products, the restoration of ancient traditions of carpet weaving and early carpet patterns. At the artistic carpet weaving factories of the State Association “Türkmenhaly”, operating in all velayats, along with traditional types of Turkmen carpets, canvases with various patterns, shapes and textures, and gift products are also made. This meets the demands in not only the domestic and foreign markets, but also, first of all, increases the popularity of Turkmen carpets in the world, which are a wonderful heritage of the art culture of our people.

The inclusion of this wonderful art in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity is a striking illustration of world community’s recognition of our beautiful carpets, created by the skillful hands of Turkmen women, as art masterpieces.

Development of the private sector during the years of independence of our country under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, and under the patronage of our Hero Arkadag deserves special mention.

Supporting entrepreneurial initiative and encouraging business, being an important condition for the dynamic development of a market economy, contributed to the success of private sector of the economy. Particular emphasis in the development of the trade complex through diversification of the business system was placed on the production of import-substituting and export-oriented goods.

Modern legal frameworks for supporting small and medium-sized businesses have been created. The Laws of Turkmenistan “On state support of small and medium-sized businesses” and “On the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan” were adopted. The “State Program to Support Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Turkmenistan for 2018–2024” has been adopted and is currently successfully implemented.

Taking into account the changing regional and global situation, the head of state constantly emphasizes the importance of systematically analyzing the world market in order to shape a flexible export policy of Turkmenistan. At the same time, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov specifies that the development of entrepreneurship is the path to increasing the competitiveness and efficiency of the national economy. Thus, great progress has been made in the area of public-private partnership. This expanded the scope of activity of our entrepreneurs and their powers, and facilitated their participation in the implementation of large investment and government projects. In accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On Public-Private Partnership”, cooperation between state-owned enterprises and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses is increasingly developing in this area.

Turkmen entrepreneurs are carrying out promising projects in the trade complex, in new sectors of the economy, including the development of the country’s mineral and raw material resources, development of the digital economy and the electronics industry.

In the current historical period, a set of measures is taken in as part of the “Program for the Development of Foreign Economic Activity of Turkmenistan for 2020–2025” to determine priority areas for expanding trade and economic relations, and ways to implement thereof and promote the development of cooperation with foreign partners.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry carries out program activities to strengthen the potential of the country’s trading system, maintain close cooperation with foreign business people, and achieve concrete results in attracting investment.

As part of the membership in the Bureau International des Expositions, headquartered in the city of Paris, the Republic of France, Turkmenistan maintains fruitful cooperation with this Organization, successfully participating in the World EXPO Exhibitions. It should be noted that organizational work is currently underway to prepare for the participation of our country with its national pavilion in the World Exhibition EXPO 2023 to be held in Doha (Qatar), and the EXPO 2025 in Osaka (Japan). This provides great opportunities for popularizing the achievements of our country in the world.

Thanks to the conditions created in our independent, permanently neutral Homeland under the leadership of Arkadag Serdar, the Trade Complex of Turkmenistan is constantly improved along with all sectors of the national economy. Over the 32-year history of our glorious independence, the Trade Complex, following the path of development towards great goals, will continue to make a ponderable contribution to the prosperity of our Homeland.