Ï Turkmenistan proposes to convey an International Forum on Food Security under the auspices of UN

Turkmenistan proposes to convey an International Forum on Food Security under the auspices of UN

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Turkmenistan proposes to convey an International Forum on Food Security under the auspices of UN

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking at the plenary meeting of the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, proposed to convey a major International Forum on Food Security.

The head of state noted that the important area of the word of Turkmenistan in achieving the SDGs is a maximizing assistance to the UN in addressing the food issue.

He emphasized that COVID-19, along with other adverse factors, has exposed the weakness of the countries where this issue is unsolved and where the population does not get proper nutrition.

According to the head of Turkmenistan, unity, integrity and determination is necessary when addressing the issues related to the access of countries and regions of the food resources, guaranteed proper nutrition is an integral part of human right and the key factor of health and normal physical development, especially for children.

The President of Turkmenistan especially noted it is obvious that it is groundbreaking decisions and new approaches, which will overcome political, ideological and conjunctural barriers.

“Consequently, Turkmenistan comes forward with any initiative to convey a major international forum on food security with the cooperation of the World Food Program, World Health Organization and United Nations Children's Fund under the auspices of UN,” the head of state stated. 

In addition, he expressed readiness to provide terms for holding such event in the capital city of Turkmenistan within the agreed time frame.