Ï Pre-holiday Architectural Premieres

Pre-holiday Architectural Premieres

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Pre-holiday Architectural Premieres

On the eve of the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence, a series of openings of new facilities dedicated to this significant date took place in various regions of the country. The celebrations were attended by representatives of city, velayat and etrap khyakimliks, public organizations, venerable elders, and youth.

The participants expressed gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for taking care of strengthening the economic power of Turkmenistan, improving the well-being of our people, addressing to the head of state heartfelt wishes of health, happiness, long life, new grandiose successes for the prosperity of the Homeland.

The commissioning of new buildings has become evidence of the huge attention of the state to the formation of modern socio-economic infrastructure in velayat, etrap administrative centers, cities and villages as an important factor of people’s well-being. Unprecedented construction is underway in all corners of the Turkmen land, designed to bring new dynamics to the development of the regions, create opportunities for further improvement of the social and living conditions of the people.

Music and songs glorifying the achievements of the sovereign neutral Homeland were played on the platforms next to the festively decorated new buildings. In a solemn atmosphere, the distinguished builders of local specialized enterprises were presented with valuable gifts.

Ashgabat, September 22 (TDH). Today, the housewarming took place in the Parakhat-7 microdistrict, where ten 9-storey residential buildings of improved layout were put into operation at once.

The new high-rise buildings, which organically fit into the residential area being formed in the south-east of the Turkmen capital, have become one of the symbols of the successful implementation of the development concept of Ashgabat.

Six houses are designed for 54, and four – for 36 apartments. Spacious, bright rooms that meet the high requirements of urban planning, create a cozy atmosphere, are equipped with the latest appliances and other amenities, as well-equipped kitchens and hallways.

Modern construction and facing materials produced in the country are used in their decoration, to which President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pays special attention. Children’s playgrounds and sports grounds are provided on the landscaped adjacent territory. All this is another evidence of successful steps towards the harmonious development of the country in all areas, including the construction sector.

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Ashgabat, September 22 (TDH). Today, on the eve of the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the independence of the Homeland, 24 cottage-type houses were commissioned in the Choganly residential area of Bagtyyarlyk etrap of the capital.

Here, in the northern part of the country’s main city, which is getting prettier day by day, the development of an area with beautiful houses and the necessary infrastructure continues. Harmoniously fitting into the magnificent architectural ensemble of Ashgabat, this residential area is a visible man-made symbol of the modern era, the real embodiment of a progressive socially oriented policy, the main principle of which is “The state is for man!”. 

It is noteworthy that along with residential “high-rises”, comfortable houses of smaller number of storeys, including cottage type, are being built in the country, which further expands the possibilities of citizens in choosing convenient and suitable housing that meets both the requirements of the time and their individual needs and preferences.

Each two-storey cottage consists of spacious rooms. Like all modern new buildings, they are designed from the point of view of maximum comfort for their owners. All conditions are created here for high-quality accommodation and a pleasant stay.

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Arkadag city, September 22 (TDH). Today, one of the landmark events organized on the occasion of the upcoming holiday was the ceremony of laying a children’s park in Arkadag city, which was another evidence of the constant concern of the President of Turkmenistan for the younger generation.

The laying ceremony was attended by the leaders of the Arkadag city khyakimlik, representatives of public organizations, venerable elders, workers of culture and art of the city, representatives of the media, and specialists of the company entrusted with the construction of the children’s park. It should also be noted that among the guests are our compatriots who arrived in Turkmenistan to participate in the conference of the Humanitarian Association of Turkmen of the World and festive celebrations in honor of the 32nd anniversary of independence.

The laying ceremony was accompanied by bright literary and musical performances prepared by artists of the State Circus and theaters.

In the speeches made during the ceremony, it was noted that the proper functioning of the relevant structures of Arkadag city, built on the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, has been established, and it was also emphasized that holding solemn events in honor of significant events has become a good tradition.

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Akhal velayat, September 22 (TDH). Two new villages – Nurly Zaman and Kopetdagyn yalkymy, which opened today in Geoktepe etrap, became a wonderful festive gift to the residents of the region.

According to the Resolution of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan dated September 21, 2023, new settlements created in Geoktepe etrap of Akhal velayat are classified as villages. Moreover, from now on they will be called respectively “Kopetdagyn yalkymy village of Kopetdag gengeshlik, Geoktepe etrap, Akhal velayat” and “Nurly zaman village Ovadandepe gengeshlik, Geoktepe etrap, Akhal velayat”.

It should be noted that the construction of modern villages is among the key areas of large-scale transformations carried out in the regions on the initiative of the head of state.

The necessary infrastructure has been formed in the villages, which is not inferior to the urban one. In addition, this is not surprising, because such maximum proximity to urban conditions in terms of living comfort is one of the main requirements for a new Turkmen village.

Residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, health homes, shopping centers have been built here, designed and equipped with modern standards. During their construction, the peculiarities of rural lifestyle and national life were taken into account, optimal amenities for the comfort of residents were created.

The ceremony in Nurly Zaman village continued with the Turkmen wedding “gelin toyy” with its rituals. Today, as centuries ago, these beautiful original customs are an integral part of the way of life of our people, committed to their spiritual and cultural roots and ancestral family values.

Colorful celebrations unfolded in the new village of Kopetdagyn yalkymy, where traditions passed down from generation to generation associated with the addition to the family – “bäbek toýy” found embodiment. Here one could see rituals, the symbolism of which is concentrated in the wishes of a happy fate, sound health and kindness to the growing baby.

It is noteworthy that the opening of modern facilities, which took place on the eve of the glorious holiday – the 32nd anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence, became truly significant events in the framework of the successful implementation of the socially oriented policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov aimed at steadily improving the level and quality of life of the people.