Ï Decree of the President of Turkmenistan on conferring the Order of Turkmenistan «Zenan kalby»

Decree of the President of Turkmenistan on conferring the Order of Turkmenistan «Zenan kalby»

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In the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, impressing results are reached in all branches of economy of our sovereign fatherland. Every day of our neutral state is marked with labour victories. Programs of all-around development of the country are successfully realised. Our hardworking women take an active part in these large-scale activities. Working with dedication in various spheres of national economy, they worthily welcome the glorious 32nd anniversary of independence of our fatherland and bring a big contribution to further strengthening of unity and coherence in the country.

Our beloved mothers actively participate in public life of the country. It is difficult to overestimate their activity in education of worthy sons and daughters, grandsons and great-grandsons, development of the generation of competent, erudite, patriotic, hardworking people, establishment of principles of the healthy way of life in society. In of explanation and realisation of the home and foreign policy of our independent neutral fatherland our dear women also deserve a worthy respect.

For a big personal contribution to the strengthening of independence and the sovereignty and legal status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, consolidation of unity and coherence , moral principles of Turkmen society and each family, maintenance of continuity of sources of spirituality and traditions of Turkmen people as well as considering merits in upbringing the growing generation, education of the youth in the spirit of respect for national values, historical heritage, primordial traditions and customs of our people, patriotism, diligence, courage and heroism, for specially fruitful public work as well as on the occasion of the glorious 32nd anniversary of our sacred independence of Turkmenistan I decree:

To award the following citizens of our country the Order of Turkmenistan «Zenan kalby»:

Head of the general department of khyakimlik of Arkadag city Mammedova Gulshat Sahyevna;

Gardener of the 1st department for accomplishment of the management of municipal services of Anev city of the association of municipal services of Akhal velayat Ataeva Oguljemal;

Teacher of secondary school № 1 of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in Makhtumkuli etrap of Balkan velayat Garlyeva Myazem;

Teacher of secondary school № 17 of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in Dashoguz city of Dashoguz velayat Jumageldieva Nurjemal;

Teacher of secondary school № 30 of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in Sayat etrap of Lebap velayat Hemraeva Maral Jorakulyevna;

Resident of Mary city of Mary velayat, pensioner Berdiyeva Amanjemal Yazmyradovna.

President of Turkmenistan

Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

September 24, 2023, Ashgabat