Ï Awards of the Homeland - for special services to the state and people

Awards of the Homeland - for special services to the state and people

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Awards of the Homeland - for special services to the state and people

Today ceremonies were held in the capital to honor the best workers in various sectors of the national economy, front-rank workers in production, employees of ministries and departments, their structural organizations, creative figures, and labor veterans, who made a great personal contribution to socio-economic development of sovereign Turkmenistan, increasing its international prestige.

According to the Decrees of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in commemoration of the 32nd anniversary of the Homeland’s independence, a number of our compatriots were awarded the Order «Garaşsyz Türkmenistana bolan beýik söýgüsi üçin», medals «Gaýrat» and «Watana bolan söýgüsi üçin», and were conferred on the honorary titles of Turkmenistan for special services to the state and people, preservation and enrichment of national traditions and customs, many years of diligent and impeccable work, and high professional skill.

In the period of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, the solemn presentation of state awards and certificates of conferring honorary titles is a striking illustration of special respect for professionals, foremost, who devote their experience, knowledge and talent to selfless service to the Homeland. It is precisely such people - purposeful, gifted, performing their duties in an exemplary manner, striving to benefit the Homeland - who are an example for young people.

The contribution of women was recognized with the Order «Zenan kalby», and the honorary title «Hormatly il ýaşulusy» of Turkmenistan was awarded to representatives of the elder generation for fruitful social activities that contribute to strengthening the unity and cohesion of the people, and for training and educating youth in the spirit of respect for national values, historical heritage, primordial customs and rites of our people, patriotism, hard work, courage and heroism.

On the instructions of the head of state, the ceremonies were attended by representatives of the Mejlis and members of the Government, who warmly congratulated those gathered on the upcoming great holiday, Independence Day of Turkmenistan, having wished them happiness, prosperity, new achievements and creative successes for the prosperity of their native land.

The speakers emphasized that the role of every citizen of the country is great in progressive development of independent Turkmenistan, the successful implementation of adopted national and state programs, improving the social and living conditions of the people, and enhancing the international reputation of our neutral state. In this regard, our compatriots, who have made a significant contribution to the achievement of high milestones by the sovereign Homeland, are given awards and honors.

Thanks to the inspired and creative work of the people of Turkmenistan, our Homeland is flourishing day by day. In the year ongoing under the motto “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”, under the leadership of the head of state, grandiose socio-economic programs and large projects are successfully carried out in the fields of industrialization, diversification and industrial capacity building.

Modern enterprises for the production of import-substituting goods, transport and communication infrastructure facilities are commissioned in the capital and velayats. Living conditions in the regions are radically changing, including the most remote places of the Homeland, which indicates the country’s confident steps towards new heights of progress.

Accepting well-deserved awards, the event participants, with a feeling of sincere pride and undisguised excitement, expressed their heartfelt gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the high assessment of their activities.

The participants in the solemn ceremonies, addressing the President of Turkmenistan with their best wishes, assured that they would apply all their strength, energy and abilities to the implementation of progressive reforms and large-scale transformations initiated by the head of state, aimed at further strengthening the Homeland’s independence, increasing its economic capacity and raising its international prestige.

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Today, the capital also hosted the solemn ceremonies of conferring honorary titles of Turkmenistan on creative workers and awarding the winners of the competition of the President of Turkmenistan «Türkmeniň Altyn asyry» among literary, cultural and art figures, young performers and gifted children.

The annual celebration of cultural figures on the eve of the main holiday of the country, Independence Day, held at the state level emphasizes the significance of the contribution of creative workers to the continued progress of our sovereign neutral state, and attached special emotional mood to the upcoming festivities.

Those gathered listened with great enthusiasm to the Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent to creative workers on the occasion of receiving state awards and the prestigious prizes of the «Türkmeniň Altyn asyry» competition winners.

In his message, the head of state, congratulating the laureates on the current event and the upcoming holiday, the 32nd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan, emphasized: “The development of the domestic culture in accordance with the requirements of the time is of great importance for inspiring our happy citizens to achieve lofty goals, preserving our cultural and moral values, maintaining the spiritual unity of the people”.

Then the Decrees of the President of Turkmenistan on presenting the state awards and the Decree on awarding the winners of the «Türkmeniň Altyn asyry» nationwide competition were read out.

The competition laureates, directors of musical bands, poets and prose writers, singers, artists, masters of fine arts, media representatives and others expressed deep gratitude to the head of state for the conditions created for their creative activity and professional growth.

It was noted that in the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar” of the period of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, large-scale events are held, aimed at developing national culture, art and literature, improving the material and technical resources of specialized institutions, and providing favorable conditions for the creation of modern works. More new works appear in literature, journalism, music, song, theater, and fine arts, glorifying the prosperity of our native land, the happy life of the people, their unity and cohesion, which inspire them to achieve new labor successes.

The solemn ceremony participants adopted an Address of Gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan. Expressing heartfelt gratitude for the high assessment of their work, the tireless efforts and attention of the head of state, they assured that they would continue to devote all their strength, knowledge, experience and skill for the prosperity of their country.

A vivid musical performance with the participation of stage masters and young performers - winners of various nationwide creative competitions, famous dance, folklore and ethnographic ensembles - became a kind of hymn to the modern epoch, the peacemaking initiatives of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, which opened up broad path for the development of international cooperation, including cultural relations.